Hey, I had this same thing happen to me a couple-four times in one match. I'm thinking it may be an application of lag, but I'm wondering if it's anything more. So I'm playing support and have a tank bearing down on me, so I decide to cheese it. I have Level 3 air strike, so I toss them his way (The words "too close for comfort" come to mind). I miss with the first, but the second goes through his chest and lands on the far side of him. I die. So then I see a tank or gunner, can't remember which, at the annihilator button. Can't remember the name of the arena, but it's the one with the gaping hole below the annihilator. I jump pad over there when his back is turned and lob an air strike between his shoulders. I probably should have stuck more to my role, but I didn't want my team getting annihilator-ed. It goes through his back and down the hole. I try and backpedal, get nailed by an assassin, and die. That probably would have happened anyway, at least. So then I'm standing on the ledge over their base, and lob an air strike at one of the turrets. I see a tank, and since I'm there anyway, I lob it down on his head. It goes through him, plants to the ground, and he uses the rush move to get away. This time, I manage to run back to my firebase instead of dying, but you get the point here. This was all in one game, and only happened in that one game, so I'm not sure if it's repeatable, but I'm damn sure I was passing through them. It wouldn't bother me if I simply missed, because I don't have the best accuracy in the world and I'm okay with that. Lag, or an unrelated glitch?
i beleive u cant just hit any part of the hitbox with it u have to hit them fairly centered on the torso which is already a big enough target when my tank has to get close to kill ya
Most likely lag. For me the air strike beacons are pretty easy to stick to tanks and it isnt picky. Ive stuck one to the very top of his suit before. So it probably was just some lag.