Air grapples, still happening to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by eternal, April 11, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I find it happens far more often as assault than as tank (probably due to the fact tank knocks back SO much farther and faster, but that is just a guess.) or as gunner/sniper

    Charge 1 and 2 as assault often ends up doing the damage, and knocking them back about 2-3feet before they start grappling me in mid air. Originally I played it off as just lag, but I've been seeing it happen even when both me and the opponent have around 30-40ping. Often times the other player even admits that it was BS and they shouldn't have gotten the grapple.

    I've also done it myself to other players when playing assassin.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    yes, but I haven't seem any of the completely ridiculous ones that were happening for a while
  3. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I've only had an assassin do it to me in a game where I was lagging a fair bit.
    In fact, due to lag, she was grappling me mid-charge.
    I would start the charge, dash a 2-3 feet into the cloaked assassin and she'd just grab me straight out of it.
    In a normal ping game though: haven't noticed it happening, so it only seems to be lag with me.
  4. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    happens constantly to me with lvl 1 and 2 charge on the assault, and my ping is always below 30 =/
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    This is what's been irking me. I thought that the Charge was supposed to knock people away, not nudge them
    If the CHARGE_IMPULSE settings in Balance.Ini is any indication, the Assault Charge should be knocking people a good bit farther than "2-3feet"
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Not any "air grapples" to speak of, but I am having issues with the Assault's charge like some others. Sometimes I will be grappled out of my charge, but other times I will push them forward slightly and I will be grappled two or three feet in the air.
  7. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    Air grapples, yes. All the time. I mean, pulling me out of Jet Air Grapples. I thought I was lagging, but a few games people expressed similar issues.

    About the lunge, I'm near about to write it off as useless. I was fine with it being weaker than the Tank. It makes sense if you put physics into it... But now it takes longer to recharge, doesn't do the damn to the bouncers that it used to, for some reason when you hit charge 3 it doesn't move through air any more, and anyone can spam the grapple button if they see you charge. It's not even useful as transport any more.
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    You mean a short hop instead of the "zoom-rocket!"?
    If so, yea, for some reason you have to time it just right otherwise you just wasted your Charge
    The only time I've consistently farked that up was trying to charge-jump off the spawn ring on GrenAdeIII to the upper combat ring

    Especially when you don't even get to charge.
    There's been a dozen or so times where I had a Sin at close-ish range, hit my Charge only to end up being facegrappled with charge drained and not a scratch on the Sin

    Hell, earlier I charged a Sin, she got knocked back then suddenly my model is up in the air getting slashed during a grapple
  9. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    It does knock them back farther than 2-3 IF they don't grapple you.

    My point was that they start flying back, and by the time they get to about 3feet away they suddenly start grappling you in mid air.)

    This is what I'm referring to. Grappling you mid charge is an intended mechanic and way to counter a charge, but grappling you AFTER the charge has connected, done its damage, and knocked the person back is BS.
  10. killien

    killien Active Member

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    The "irking me" bit is mostly because the person you hit flies away at a slower speed than the charge itself so by the time you end the charge, you're put right back in your enemy's face

    I'm just curious as to how the IMPULSE settings get translated to actual knockback
    The reason being the Tank's Charge has the same value for all 3 levels but the Assault Charge matches that at lvl2 with what seems like half the impact, especially when you compare the impact of a lvl2 A-Charge vs a lvl3 T-Charge
  11. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    I get grappled at the apex of my jumps quite often, even with a ping of 50 on both sides of the encounter. I also get hit by gunner/jackbot slams and ejectors while well off the ground at the time the slam goes off.

    From the feel of it, MNC suffers far worse from similar amounts of lag than other titles I've played do (MW2, L4D/2).
  12. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Oh god yes, all the time.

    I also get grappled in the middle of a skill grapple, by an enemy with lower grapple priority (i'm looking at you, assassin).

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