AI Skill and Programming

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by dude86, March 9, 2013.

  1. dude86

    dude86 Member

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    I did not find a topic about AI in the Topic Index yet. If there is an existing AI topic please point me to it. If not I would like to bring it up in this post.

    I am wondering if Uber can tell us something about the plans for AI development. How good will AI be and how much effort will be put into this (relatively)?

    I myself am not a great fan of AI that needs to cheat in order to challenge me. So I am hoping pretty good AI will be implemented.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Sorian is making the AI.

    He wrote the best AI mod for SupCom/FA, and that landed him a job at GPG to work on the AI for SupCom2. That AI was scary; it made very very good guesses at when it could win a fight, and attacked only when it had the advantage.

    Now he's working for Uber... on the AI for PA. :D
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Also worth noting, that in the cases of his Mod for SupCom and his work on SupCom2, both times he only made CHANGES to the existing AI, this time around for PA he is creating the AI from the ground up, we have reason to rest easy in regards to the AI.

    Also it's kinda hard to talk about before there is any kind of playable game you know? Sorian did talk about it a bit during one of the LiveStreams thought, not sure which one.

  4. NortySpock

    NortySpock Member

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  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    He didn't "Write" AIs for SupCom/FA, he worked within the constraints of the modding allowed to modify the existing AI, many improvements were made of course, but there were no changes to the fundamental parts of the AI.

    Even for SupCom2, he didn't get a chance to really delve into the AI until have a significant amount of development time was already put into it, again he still made great strides in terms of improve the AI regardless.

    If you're having Trouble with searching, I suggest this Guide.

  6. krashkourse

    krashkourse Member

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    I want the AI to freaking kick my rear end and Totally Annihilate my planet
  7. christopher1006

    christopher1006 Member

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    And then have an easy mode designed specifically for player annoyed by that just so they can bludgeon the AI to death, let it rebuild, and then bludgeon it some more. Then go back for round 2 vs the AI.

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