The AI likes to colonize new planets. However, when it does, it often starts building metal/energy on the new planet rather than a factory. Even when the AI is floating metal and energy. When colonizing a new planet, the go to building should always be a factory. Hope that helps.
On the topic of colonizing AI, they should also try and get intel when they see someone go to a planet first. Especially if someone's been on it for a while, usually the AI will just send in an astraeus thinking everything is nice and well, only to have their startup base torn to shreds by someone who's been there for more than 5 minutes.
But everybody knows that upon colonising a new planet the first thing you build is a church. The reason for it is because there's always a pub next to the church. And people need the church tower to know which way the pub is. Or that's the way it works where I come from anyway. That said, yeah, the AI seems to behave on new planets like it started a new game sometimes. Although it does build a teleporter eventually.