"Aggressive" or "Pushing" Sniper Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Scented Midget, October 17, 2010.

  1. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    The "Aggressive Sniper" Way

    1. Learning the Roles of an Aggressive Sniper
    2. Your Endorsements
    3. Your Skills
    4. Your Weapons
    5. General Gameplay
    6. Dealing With Enemies
    7. Others
    8. Conclusion

    1. Learning the Roles of an Aggressive Sniper:

    ~An Aggressive Sniper Does The Following:

    a. Eliminates Bots
    b. Eliminates Turrets
    c. Drains The Moneyball
    d. Takes Out Key Targets (Tank, Gunner, Snipers)
    e. Talks Frequently

    When playing as the Aggressive Sniper:

    a.) You must eliminate all to most bots that are in your line of sights.

    b.) Eliminating turrets can help your bots intrude the enemy base and take down the shields.

    c.) A Juiced Sniper brings down the moneyball faster than any class.

    d.) You must take out the main targets of the game so your teammates can push farther into the base.

    e. You are calling out your surroundings frequently.

    Incorporate these strengths to play well as an Aggressive sniper:

    -Fastest moneyball killer
    -Large AoE w/ sniper bullets and flak
    -Only Pro w/ the skill to completely stop people in their tracks
    -Great bot eliminator
    -Useful secondary weapon (SMG)
    -Level 3 traps stop juiced Pro's.
    -Small body
    -Strong grappel
    -Great in short and long rang battles
    -Builds juice very fast

    There are weaknesses that you must get over to play well as an Aggressive Sniper:

    -Dies quickly
    -Not very fast
    -Gets taunted a lot (rude gunners...)
    -Pro's with jet packs can fly over your traps
    -Most grappels kill you
    -Passive has a very high learning curve

    2. Your Endorsements:

    Gold: Armor
    Silver: Rate of Fire
    Bronze: Clip Size

    Armor Gold is a key advantage to your sniper game because although Rate of Fire does do damage a lot faster, you can survive a level 3 grapple from an assault, most gunners/tanks can't take you down if your a good sight, assassins do not kill you with a front grappel with dagger or sword, tanks take 5 rail gun shots to take you down (which ultimately gives you time to pop their face off), and basically you can survive a hell of a lot of damage.

    Rate of Fire Silver is useful as your second endorsement because it allows you to take down turrets, those pesky gunners faster than not having ROF at all, and especially the moneyball when you are juiced. Your SMG also is very useful with this because it shoots at a very fast pace, killing the opposing player faster. Trust me i have been in battles were a tank comes rushing at you, and i have no choice to rather than to pull out my SMG, close my eyes and hope for the best. Usually I come out on top because i was born with an SMG in my hands. :cool:

    Clip Size Bronze helps you out a lot with taking out turrets, enemys, and most importantly the moneyball. It also coincides with the ROF to make a beast combo with both weapons.

    3. The Skills:

    Traps: Traps are your best friends when playing as the sniper. They stop every enemy in there tracks. And when you get your traps to level 3, they even stop enemy players that are in juice. And whilst they are frozen to the floor with your trap you can pull off a quick couple of head shots to lower they're health and to be ready for when they come for you after your trap gives out. The strategy with traps is to place them at any vantage points that enemy pro's can sneak in and get the cheap kill on you.
    Lets take for instance you are in LazoRazer Arena. You are pushing in the far right corner in the upper levels. You are going to want to set your traps accordingly.
    1. On the jump pad leading up to you from they're spawn.
    2. Behind you all the way back to the bridges that meat up, on the right side so that it is covering the right part.
    3. In the same location as 2, just on the left side.

    Passive- A Snipers best friend. This and your traps are your 2 main important skills. This is key to taking down enemy turrets and bots. If there are people you see that just jumping around too much, shoot bots that are close to the target. Or if your fighting a support that is too close to his firebase, shoot it with Passive at 3, and they will get dead :p
    Other than that you may spray a whole Sniper Rifle clip into the moneyball and get some bonus kills. This is just because you took my advice and got passicve 3 :twisted:

    Grappel- Some other snipers say "Oh i never upgrade the Snipers Grapple to 3, its useless." Honestly, it is not useless. It plays a big role in how you play your game. Did you know a snipers grappel at 3 can take down a support and assualt with armor 1 on? It kills every assassin except for if she has armor 3, which if grappeld, she has maybe 1 or 2 SMG bullets and shes down for the count. Also if you run up on a gunner or tank while their back is turned, you can shot them once, and then grappel them for the kill. Even with armor 2 it kills gunners/tanks that way. Trust me, grappel saves your *** half of the time.

    Flak- Flak is probably one of the less used skills in the game. The only thing they are useful for is taking down turrents ( :lol: ). They can also be used to get the clean up kill on your enemy when they are almost dead either in your trap or when they are backing away from you in the middle of a firefight. Just remember to throw it behind them so they back into it and die quicker, rather than in front of them so they don't even hit it at all. And if they still prevail, pull out the SMG for a clean up kill.

    Now knowing all of your skills as the sniper, it is time to learn what order you buy your skills in.

    Skill buy order:
    -Finish out Flak (If desired)

    4. Your Weapons:

    Sniper Rifle

    Your Sniper Rifle is an amazing weapon. It hurts the hell out of enemy's. And it is the only bullet based weapon that can kill in one shot. The only person that can survive a head shot is a tank with Passive 3 and Armor 2. Other than that everyone else is fair game.
    Your sniper is your strongest gun. The Sniper Rifle is a good gun to you use if you are a good shot. Make sure if you can't aim all to well, you can at lest hit bodies good.

    Sub-Machine Gun (SMG)

    One of the greatest secondary weapons, personally to me in the game. It has a medium sized clip, and shoots really fast with ROF. Great gun, use it to finish off players, or use it in juice to get some kills, and kill some turrents.

    5. General Gameplay:

    On any map, start off pushing any side you choose. Destroy every bot in site, making your way slowly to the other teams right side. Make sure by the time you are over there you have Grapple at 2. Kill anybody in your way. If you die, regain your position as fast as possible, or you will get pushed back into your base and you might never get that upfield advantage ever gain. When you are in at RockIt Turret range, Set up camp by placing your traps at the landing of jump pads. And areas you feel you might be getting rushed by soon. If you have only to lead ways into your sniping spot and once you get your traps at 3 you can put one trap at the landing of the jump pad, and 2 at the other opening. You can lay them doubled up. Like on on top of each other so just in case a tank fly's over your first one, you have a second one waiting for them. Or you can play it so they are side to side, fully blocking any supports or assassins trying to sneak past your traps. Tsk tsk tsk.

    Now when you have your traps fully set up, you can work on turrets. Take down the original 2 RockIt turrets on each side with a Flak (at any skill level) Then shoot one whole clip into it. The turret will be gone. Now make your way to the other side and eliminate the other turrets so it is easier for your bots to get in and destroy the turrets. If you have a tank on your team, get on the Mic and tell him to push bots, because when you get those shields down, the enemy team panics. They think they have to get back and protect, which most will do if their shields are down long enough. Your job is to hit that moneyball every 25 seconds, thus keeping the shields down and causing more frustration to the other team. Just keeping shooting that moneyball every 25 seconds and after a while you should have juice.

    Now juice is a different story. When juiced as a sniper, you kill a gunner in less than half of a SMG clip. Use this to your advantage. If you are pushing the other team and keeping them in their base and you get juice, wait for a bunch to come out of their spawns, shoot the moneyball one last time, rush them and get the easy kills. Or if people are not there, use your sniper to take down enemy turrets.

    If there isn't any enemy turrets, your objective is to take down the ball.

    So the order of how you use juice is this way.
    1. If you see a group of people just asking to die. Kill them, then if you have time work on:
    2. Destroying enemy turrets. Once turrets are done, if you have enough for more juice, go:

    6. Dealing With Enemies:

    Some enemies may be trickier than others. Some are easy to kill. Below is how to deal with some of the enemy pro's.

    Assault- The Assault is a cunning enemy if controlled by the right hands. Some may be tricky and try and fly over your traps to get to you. If you encounter an Assault that does this, next time you come around to the same spot line up 2 traps one on top of each other like stated earlier in the Guide. Other than that, Assaults are about a 7 out of 10 difficulty on sniping.

    Tank- Tanks are aggressive, strong, and very aggravating. Just do not let them get to you. That will just throw your game off. Instead just stay a distance away from them and get them a couple times with the sniper and like most enemies, finish them with the SMG. When Tanks fall into your traps if some are smart, they turn their bodies around which makes it hard to find the head, especially if you are above them one whole level. Just go into a private with a friend, tell him to be a tank and have him turn around. Practice finding the head and memorize where it is at. Though i do not recommend doing this to long as you might come off as a cheater for farming kills.

    Sniper- When facing an enemy Sniper, it is very easy to get a big head and think you are a hotshot ( i can haz pun?) and try and hit the head, only to fail miserably. Sometimes it is easier to go for the 3 body shots kill. They might try and run away, let them. But when you do kill them. Taunt them. It's a great deal of fun getting 5 more easy kills on him :lol:

    Support- Supports Shotgun can kill very fast. And most good supports have ROF gold so even if they do miss, they have another bullet waiting for you in a split second. Your best guess on killing a support is getting him with his back turned or while he is hacking something. If you hear "Okay we are hacking into the turret now." from a nearby support, line up his head and send him to the spawn room.


    Firebases- Firebases you should be very whimsical around. Don't get too close to one with a hack on hit, cause you are dead meat if you are in its line of sights. The easiest way to take down a firebase is to make sure there is no support healing/over-healing it. Pick off the support first. Throw a flak at the firebase, and simultaneousnessly shoot at it with your Sniper Rifle. If the firebase has multiple Supports healing it, or is just ripping thorough your team mates, get build up juice and take it down with the sniper from a far distance. Now remember those Sniper bullets with Passive 3 do damage to things around it. Don't be too surprised if you get 2 kills along with taking down a firebase. :p

    Gunner- Gunners are easy money. You should be joyous if you see a gunner, cause they go down in 3 to 5 shots. They are also very very easy to snipe because they move slow, and they have big fat heads. I get gunners mainly with headshots, but if they are smart, they just jump around. Take the time to stop and get a good shot on the Gunner if he starts jumping about.

    Assassin- Last but not least. The Assassin. They have gotten you no doubt. Thats why you are on here. But no worries. The only thing you have to listen out for is her ringing noise. If you here that sound, look around and search for her. When looking for her, watch the ground and look for foot steps. Find her body and then keep your eyes on her. Wait for the perfect time to grapple and try and either send her out of the arena, or just kill her plainly with the grapple. If she has Armor 3 and survives the grapple. Kill her with your SMG.

    7. Others:

    Bullseye: The only time you should be working on bullseye is if your team is far advanced into their base or you just need a quick buck. If you see people standing near bullseye, give him a couple shots with your Passive 3 bullets and watch your money rack up.

    Ejectors: Ejectors can be very useful to send people off the edge or to kill a enemy pro that is wounded bad. Make sure the enemy's feet are touching the ground or the ejector will not affect them. Even if the assassin is grappling the Jackbot you will not kill her while she is in the air. It may sound redundant but WAIT UNTIL THEIR FEET ARE ON THE GROUND.

    Annihilator: If you are kicking their faces in, yes you may use the Annihilator. If not let, let a faster, and stronger team mate go grab it like your Assault.

    Jackbot: Most people do not know that the Sniper has 2 grapples. If the Jackbot is just coming out of his spawn pull out your SMG, Grapple him with B, then once that is done grapple him with Left Trigger on your gun. It will take the Jackbot out in just those two grapples alone.

    8. Conclusion:

    Pushing into the enemy's base. Taking out turrets. Destroying anyone and anything that comes in your way. Juicing the moneyball for a one clip domination...

    This is the way of an Aggressive Sniper.


    Witten by Scented Midget
    Guides Writing Structure copied from Im Hudson
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Quick note. An Assassin with silver armor will also survive a level 3 grapple. Not sure about bronze armor yet.
  3. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    good guide. i will just add that should the enemy team have a sniper it helps to have ROF as your gold as you will be able to outshoot them. other than that great guide with colorful headlines. :shock:
  4. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    I think I follow this pretty closely with my game style. Although I have to agree, ROF should be gold and Armor should be silver. I don't notice a difference between gold and silver armor but do notice a difference between gold and silver ROF.

    Also, Flak is useful for a lot more than just killing turrets. Its a great cash cow on bullseye or the enemy moneyball when it is down. Its also great for flushing out pros who hide behind glass on most maps. Rank 3 is a bit overkill at times unless you are trying to take out multiple firebases around turrets but I tend to upgrade it after I have traps and Passive maxed or depending on what I am up against.

    Another thing flak is good for is setting off other sniper traps or even your own if you want to catch unsuspecting pros in the blast. It can be very satisfying to watch an assault jump over your trap+flak only to land in the freeze patch. Although this will be far less effective after the patch.
  5. ptcMalice

    ptcMalice New Member

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    Here's my upgrade path:

    Unless I'm having a problem with assassins, I never upgrade grapple. I'll only upgrade trap to level 3 if there's two or more supports on the other team.
    Flak is useful in many ways. I often use it to keep the moneyball down while I'm trying to farm enough money to buy juice.
    Don't upgrade to grapple 3. It's a waste of money.
  6. AlphabetTaco

    AlphabetTaco New Member

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    My only complaint is the lack of emphasis applied to the flak. it is extremely helpful for various practical things as well as destroying turrets. Examples could consist of getting a pro to back off temporarily to avoid taking the damage, or having to maneuver around it. Also can scare a pro from a hiding position behind a glass wall. Explosive damage is a luxury as a sniper, not a necessity. a good sniper would find this to be the least necessary of the skills, aside from a level 3 grapple maybe. i upgrade flak and ice traps first, get my level 3 flak, then passive to level 2. It's a toss up between the grapple, level 3 passive, or level 3 ice traps really, though I'd suggest traps first.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    this guide was written in october.

    i dont think midget has blayed sniper in a serious match since maybe november when he picked up gunner (from yours truly :cool: )
  8. AlphabetTaco

    AlphabetTaco New Member

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    My comment wasn't to disprove someone, it was to be a helpful hint to new players wanting sniper assistance.
  9. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    No it wasn't.
  10. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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    what she said ^
  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  12. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  14. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Last edited: August 11, 2011
  16. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    reminds me of any lead singer in an emo band
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Kinda looks like Justin Bieber's mom.
  18. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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    fat. faggot...face?
    lol ur bad.
    lrn2troll lol lol
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    5:40 pm
    5:50 pm
    31/2 hours later

    took you a while...
  20. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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    (honestly) I took and hour trying to find beef on you, than just gave up and jerked off.

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