Hello, I've been having this problem since... probably about the introduction of Gamma, and it's getting worse and worse. FPS is improving hugely, 50 - 60fps, yet getting into the game is becoming more and more broken. Basically, what happens is... I generate the planets very fast, about half a minute. I press ready, and try to get into the game... This is where problems arise, the planet shows up pretty quick now a days BUT PA.exe then fails to respond, and goes in and out of this state (even when apperently responding, the game's camera does not move) now then.. This is the main reason I believe this may be a problem with the game- not only do I get up to 60fps once I actually am in game, but in fact it never changes when it finally loads into the game. It ALWAYS gets into the game the exact moment the spawns are forcefully selected (After two minutes) it never changes, never has it loaded before, nor after that point, always precisely then. I'd love some help here... Especially from Uber. (Yes I am aware my specs really aren't too great, but I used to get into the games much faster than I am now, the problem is getting worse and worse as updates go, as performance gets better as well ironically.)
How are you even able to run the game with an integrated 64 MB card? That's amazing. Chances are your graphics card (which uses your RAM as its video memory) and the rest of your system are busy fighting over your 4 GB of RAM, which is too little in this case, resulting in the "pause" you're experiencing.
Well what I'm wondering is how on earth it's gotten worse, I have equal problems with large and small planets when playing, same problem, same time I get into the game, always when the commanders spawn. Game fps is again- 50 - 60fps so it's a bit confusing as to how I get such great fps, yet such immense troubles rendering the planet at the beginning of the game. Edit: I used to get into the game faster when fps was worse. Wat. (I also used to be able to play on Uber)