After battle in galactic battle, there is no "continue war" button.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by WwZa7, September 11, 2016.

  1. WwZa7

    WwZa7 New Member

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    It is rather... odd bug, and no google, steam discussion, nor forums gave me the answer. I have no idea what caused this problem, it just appeared one day and can't do anything.

    As in title - after I loaded my galactic war and won battle in a system, there was no "continue war" button. I can only view stats, review battle in chrono cam, or quit to main menu. Doing the last one brings me back to main menu. Loading the same galactic war seems to bring my commander in the same system, awaiting for me to command him to make an invasion, like no battle took place.

    So I can't proceed with galactic war, because any wins are not scored, same thing with new galactic wars. I can't claim any planet i want to fight, no matter if I win or not. All galaxy battles seem to be treated as skirmishes with strongly limited tech just for me.

    Here is screenshot from my won battle:
    PA T bug.png
    it IS galactic war, I wouldn't build only air units and altilery if I would have the tech for it ._.
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hmm, maybe need to post your latest PA Log file? @DeathByDenim any ideas?
    WwZa7 likes this.
  3. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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  4. WwZa7

    WwZa7 New Member

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    Hey, thanks for quick answer!

    I am not using any mods at all. Used before Titans came out, now I don't. Basically I didn't played PA:T for a quite a long time, and by than everything was fine, when I came back recently (no modding, no changing any data files) I hit this bug.

    I'm uploading 3 of 5 logs I found following Your instructions.

    Ps.: I have this bug regardless if I start a new GW, or continue an old one.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: September 12, 2016
  5. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    It's picking up some residual modding stuff. Can you try deleting the folders "client_mods", "server_mods", and "mods" from the PA data directory (where you found the logs subdirectory)? You may need to start a new GW afterwards.

    If the UI is still weird, can you upload a new PA log from that session?
    WwZa7 likes this.
  6. WwZa7

    WwZa7 New Member

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    It worked! UI is ok now, I can continue GWs now, also in my Main Menu i have green "community mods" tab I've never had before.

    I assume, that remanings of old mods caused some problems with overall game's frame or something.

    Thank you very much for help :D
    cdrkf, mwreynolds and DeathByDenim like this.

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