I keep once every blue moon redownloading, since the very first alpha to see if a UI that allows for modifying unit orders (like SupComs), has been added. Play for a few minutes, get frustrated with the controls and give up. I just find it too frustrating to play without. Just downloaded Titans, am I just not finding the option to modify the order queue, or has it really still not been added? Also is the option still missing for moving things around the build queue, or do you have to clear the whole thing just to move its priority up?
Modifying order queue: No you can't do that. Seems like a nice feature to have, but when I think about it, what about the area commands? I don't see how a lot of the command tools would be compatible with a system that lets you move it. I think it is something you can get used to. Build Queue: there is another trick you can use, when you ctrl-click build it puts those units in front of the queue. So after finishing the current unit it is building, it will build that unit you clicked, and then it will go back to the queue. If you have the factory on continuous build, the control-clicked unit will not be added to the repeat build commands.
Oh I do think it would be possible to do. You just drag and drop the whole area command circle around.