Is this a bug caused by some kind of mod? I click "add slot", and the game changes the planet system and doesn't add the slot. Anyone familiar with the cause?
Not it's not caused by any mod. I had same behavior in previous versions on my Win7 laptop, but didn't reported it because wasn't able to reproduce it.
Hmm, I get it reproducably. Is there anything I can do to help? Note: The add team button works, just not the little top corner "X" to remove teams. Also, the add team button still reloads planet system it just does both, while "X" simply reloads planet system with no effect.
As reproducible you mean you have idea how to put game in state when it's happen? Then step-by-step instruction will be useful.
Oh. No. Lol. I mean I get it everytime I load up game and start a lobby. Is there something I should check for, some way I can tell what is causing it when it happens for me? It definitely hasn't went away for me, if you mean it went away for you.
Is this happen on Windows or on Linux? PS: I think it's worth to post it on bugtracker because for me it's disappear after I restarted game and never appear again.
Let me continue bug testing mods. Mods still might cause this, they have been known to cause things the vanilla game causes too. Vanilla, the buttons all work, except they all also reload the planetary system. Odd. With that, I may submit now to bug tracker.
It could be intended. Randomly generated systems are chosen based on the number of players, so if you change the number of players, it may be generating a new random system to match the player numbers. If I'm right, loading a non-random system might prevent this. Edit: Confirmed it from looking at the .html and .js. If the system is flagged with "isRandomlyGenerated" it will generate a new system whenever slots or teams are added/removed.
if you add a slot or remove one, the system will be generated newly, but i never had the bug, that the slot wasnt actually added/removed. Btw i hope we get more fast options for generating the system soon, like at least planet number, maybe also planet sizes, and orbit configuration. Going into system editor is too long always. (or maybe a quick way to go from game lobby to system editor). Another thing... why the hell does it generate systems with 4+ planets automatically when the performance is cleary not good enough for such systems xD
Yeah the system shouldn't change, I've seen this a few times. You're about to add a slot to let one more person in, and everyone has to regenerate a new system.
Well that is news to me. Then it is just one of the mods, possibly "better planet details in lobby" mod, that causes some of the buttons to just regen system and not work otherwise.