Accuracy Endorsement on the Tank

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by c4lvitron, September 7, 2010.

  1. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    So I had reload speed as my bronze endorsement and decided to try a few diff perks in that spot.

    The first one I tried was accuracy.

    Honestly, the rail gun seemed less accurate with it. Has anyone else messed around with this? I took it off and was back to my sniping self
  2. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I found this to be a waste. RoF is my favorite bronze over reload. Being able to fire the Rail gun faster has gotten me many more kills and the reload time is less than .5 second more without the reload endorsement.
  3. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    Gold: RoF
    Silver: Armour
    Bronze: Reload Speed

    RoF increases the DPS on the Jet Gun, which is really helpful as the Tank can struggle vs the Gunner even with Gold RoF. The increase of fire rate on the Rail Gun is sort of an afterthought, you'll rarely be shooting the Rail Gun at max RoF anyway.

    Silver Armour means you always survive an Assassin backstab if you keep your Passive upgraded too. And if you're using the most resilient class in the game you might as well make him stronger right?

    Reload Speed means when you use Death Blossom you can reload quicker if they survive.

    I've tried accuracy a couple of times but it doesn't seem to do anything. The hit registration for the Rail Gun is small as it is, accuracy makes minimal difference.
  4. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    With the update coming that will make the Tank's Death Blossom damage dependent on the amount of ammo in his clip (With extra damage for a full clip), I'm left wondering if Clip Size will increase the damage output of the Death Blossom.
  5. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    Clip size won't increase the amount of damage.
  6. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Next patch will make blossom damage scale based on the fuel left in the gun ;)!
  7. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    No, it's based on a percentage. 100% ammo, 50%, etc.
  8. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    I would have thought Death Blossom damage would be scaled based on the percentage of ammo left in the clip, not the actual number of ammo left.

    If it is based on number then I'd probably sub Clip Size as Bronze instead of Reload Speed, because it helps with the Rail Gun too. If not then Reload Speed seems to give the most advantages imo.

    Edit: Ninja'd :(
  9. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    The damage is going up tho on %100 which I'm excited to see how much, it's pretty devastating right now. After the patch I'm going to roll

    1. armor
    2. Reload
    3. RoF

    Actually, that's what I run with now, after the patch its gonna be even better tho.
  10. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I keep trying variations on this, but I really can't find a better combo for the tank.

    Without RoF gold, the tank's damage output is just garbage. Even a silver doesn't seem to cut it.

    Speed really doesn't help enough. Support's still keep up with you bouncing around with the lazy mode drain gun.

    Reload speed bronze makes a pretty big difference for some reason, but going gold for it really doesn't seem to improve it that much more.

    Skill cooldown is really helpful early on when it takes a big chunk out of a 14 second cooldown, but when you get to the level 3's, 6 seconds vs 4 seconds for charge doesn't seem worth it at the cost of armor, reload speed, or worse RoF. :\

    Bleh, the tank has no variety. It's both a good and a bad thing.
  11. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    This is my tank build and it rocks. Gold RoF turns your Jet Gun into a Boeing 777 Jet Gun and reload is a must for deathbloomin bots over and over.
  12. Bankshot

    Bankshot New Member

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    Uber has said that a larger clip will only allow you to use more ammo before blossoming with additional benefit.

    Example: no clip- 50% clip left = 50% dmg
    extra clip- 50% clip left = 65% dmg

    Something along those lines.
  13. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    G: Skill Recharge
    S: Rate of Fire (RoF)
    B: Health Regen

    The reason we don't need faster reloading with the tank is because we use our Jet Guns' secondary attack quite rarely (for farming creeps and last hitting heroes), and only as a "last resort" to try and get a kill. ...Therefore it's not a useful perk to be wasted as Gold, because farming creeps isn't difficult to begin with, and the Jet Gun's secondary attack is not always reliable as a finishing move on heroes.

    Our most useful Gold skill is Skill Recharge (or RoF), because the Tank's Charge skill refreshes faster and faster when it gets leveled up: a level 3 Charge has a cool down of 4.5 seconds, which allows us to Charge in & out of combat much more effectively (considering how slow the Tank is). And can be used to aid our movement speed around the level.

    RoF is important somewhere in the list of perks because the Tank's DPS is pretty low, and his railgun is great for sniping, but it sucks w/out a faster RoF. Health Regen makes for a better offensive tank, since we're going to be Charging in and out of battle FAST!
  14. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Heres soemthing I always wondered. Does health regen reduce the time you have to be out of combat to begin regenning or just incrase the rate at which you regen?
  15. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I really don't do much of my killing with the jet gun, I didn't find gold RoF did that much for me, I more of a jump in, charge, deathspin type of guy. I find the Gold armor silver reload really helpful.
  16. MetallicaSucks

    MetallicaSucks New Member

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    Reload gold, Skill Rec silv, speed bronze is the best imo
  17. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    My preference for my play style is:

    Gold - Armor
    Silver - Clip Size
    Bronze - RoF

    I use the RG as my main weapon so having 14 shots before reload is great and the RoF increase is nice too. Gold armor may seem like overkill but when you have it with lvl3 passive you can take an Assassin grapple from behind and still have half your health. I'm able to hold my own at mid-range with Assaults with this setup.
  18. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    What use is gold armour? Silver gives you the assasain survivability and gold doesnt stop you being cut through by gunners/assaults/snipers. Why RoF bronze? Thats about the only way into increase the tanks DPS.
  19. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I could be wrong, but I don't believe that is what they implied. Essentially, I think they were saying a larger clip size just flattens and lengthens out the damage curve. This means at 50% clip left, you still only do 50% damage w/ death blossom. However, you can fire the same amount of shots, but your death blossom will do more damage because you have more remaining ammo than without the clip size endorsement.
  20. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    And yet every other class can do that better than the Tank with higher damage outputs and movement speed...


    I'm gonna stab you with a spoon because of your usename because Metallica is a beastly band.


    Prepare to be pwned.

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