Accuracry, and already accurate weapons. (Jet Gun, etc)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by wearsatuxedo, August 31, 2010.

  1. wearsatuxedo

    wearsatuxedo New Member

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    So, it occurred to me that accuracy is quite useless to some weapons, such as the sniper rifle, jet gun, rail gun, grenade launcher etc, meaning that as an endorsement, it carries a lot less weight than others.

    I started thinking, maybe different weapons could benefit in different ways from it? For example, the jet gun, and grenade launcher, which are almost perfectly accurate, could have their ranges extended.

    But the sniper rifle and railgun already have a very long range, so what could they get? Maybe some sort of auto aim effect? Or what about a larger area that counts as the head, allowing headshots to be attained with greater ease?
  2. The Freaker

    The Freaker New Member

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    Hmm the increase of getting a headshot for the sniper sure sounds nice and agree with you that the accuracy perk (I mean endorsment) is not as useufull as the other endorsments.

    For my sniper I use: Gold: ROF, Silver: magazine, bronze: skill recharge (dont know the exact name) and it works pretty well IMHO.

    Any GM (or anyone else important) got something to say about this?


    The Freaker
  3. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Well, if your main weapon has pinpoint accuracy, don't use an Accuracy endorsement. It's specifically targeted for weapons like the Assault Rifle and the Minigun. It's the same deal for reload speed on the Hurt/Heal Gun. If it doesn't apply to you, don't get it.

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