Abusing the support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by wakkydude, December 21, 2010.

  1. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    I don't normally ragequit, but I've had to recently because people have been abusing the defence class simply to get kills. Placing a firebase behind that wall in the centre room of Ammomule so you can get kills wherever the enemies are coming from isn't clever. It's just annoying and makes people want to quit way too early. You're supposed to be a SUPPORT, that means healing, building turrets and making sure bots don't end up in the base, not increasing your e-penis to get to that lvl 99 just a little bit faster.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    people have been playing TDM since release, just take down the firebase. EVERY class can out-damage a support healing a firebase. that being said, they are not a defense class, they are a support class. there arent many ways to support your team in ammomule than to keep the other team off of the annihilator and juice.
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Play as an Assassin.. in roughly 20seconds you're juiced.. no problem, unless its you're own team then it's understandable to be mad.

    I only do that when i'm running solo usually and the other team has a sniper that noone on my team can handle.
  4. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Not 2 of them that are suck a position so if you fight one, another instakills you. That's what's happening in Ammomule.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    It's kinda like how the Sniper sits back and just gets kill after kill after kill. It's reletively the same idea. You might argue its the Sniper's job to do that and not the Support's.. but it's much easier to avoid the Support than to avoid the Sniper.
  6. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    First of all; name =/= the only role of a character.

    Second, Supports also support a team by helping control taken ground. That sometimes means sacrificing a firebase's ability to take down bots for its coverage of pro-heavy areas. He denied your team access to the annihilator and juice dispensers, just as a few pros in that area would.

    Third, are you saying he shouldn't use his firebase, a skill that he's supposed to use? Would you like it better if he put it in a wide open area where it could be taken down more easily? Or better yet, should the support and all of his assets remain in his own base, waiting for your eventual arrival because only your team should push past mid-map?

    Fourth, after I stopped going support for a while and played other classes I realized how easy it is to take out a firebase. Gunner? Hop on top of the dome in ammomule, spin up your guns, drop down and take it out. Same with the tank, except grenade it first and melt it with your jet gun. As a sniper you explosive rounds will deter the supoprt from sticking around to heal it, the same with an assaults grenade. Assaults can usually take a firebase out by inching around a corner and getting an angle on it where it won't shoot back. Assassins are great for taking out firebases, their shurikens are really effective.

    lastly, the middle ring in ammomule I the most common place I've seen supports put their firebase. If there were 2 firebases outside your spawn then yes, that's dickish, but under the dome in ammomule? That's so common you may as well whine about gunners and assaults jumping on top of the dome or snipers trapping the entrance to the center.

    Man up and deal with it. you have enough options.


    So you're whining that you can't rush in solo and take out 2 supports at close range and their firebase? You know you have a team right? People you can coordinate with/follow/support to help take objectives?
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    very simple fix: if at least 2 supports are babysitting firebases, let them be. go around the dome. with 2 supports in the dome, none are going to be in the base. if you can push into their base, you have yourself a 6v4 in your favor; AND no supports to heal the rockets you are cutting down. that is something that needs to be stressed in this game.

    when i play support in ammomule, i set up my firebase in the corner room on the enemy side. not to get kills, but for a distraction. i have had up to 4 people trying to get me out when my firebase wasnt doing anything whatsoever, effectively giving my team a 5v2 because everyone was focusing on taking me out.

    just because they arent playing defense doesnt mean they are doing anything wrong. also, have you ever tried playing support hanging back in the base while your team is pushed all the way to the enemy ball? possibly the most boring gameplay you will encounter in this game.
  8. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Replies are in bold.
  9. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Just avoid the damn things if they are causing you that much trouble. Like he said, they aren't pushing bots or defending their base while the Supports are in the dome.
  10. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Look at that picture. If you went down the sides, you got shot. If you went over the top, you got shot. If you went though, you got shot. Whoops! There's no more ways to move.
  11. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    A. Don't let them take the center dome in the first place.

    B. Kill enough bots to earn Juice, then go into the center and blow up everything.

    C. GO AROUND! As it turns out, you can avoid the line of sight of both firebases in the right areas of the lane, or you could go over the top of the dome.

    D. Learn how to blow up the firebase. If there are two Supports healing one firebase, kill one or both of them.

    E. Cry on the forums because you can't destroy firebases. Oh wait, you already did that and it didn't help you at all. My bad.
  12. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    LOL! so by your logic it is ok for a support to go for kills, but NOT for him to try for map control? LOLOL! you seem to use the logic of a random. LEAVE THEM THE F ALONE! sure, you cant use juice/anni, but thats at the cost of the other team being down 2 guys.

    even though you will just ignore me and call "NERF!", heres an actual counter.
    drop in from above, buy juice, and use it to kill them. this isnt even that great of a strategy. i havent seen any of my friends use this strategy in WEEKS.

    EDIT (got ninja'd) there is no way in hell that any ammount of firebases in that dome can stop you from walking across the top of it. AND even a 3.3 firebase can not see much farther than the ejector pad on either end.
  13. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    you could probably walk along the outser side of each lane to push bots and not get hit. the firebase doesn't have that much range :/ Also, you can jump up top and walk around the dome. Firebases can't shoot through walls derrr. be a gunner, hop on top, go all the way around. Spin up barrels. Kill who's on the other entrance below, drop down on THEIR side so only 1 firebase can see you, destroy it.

    I don't know how you get the word "abuse" in there, I say they implemented the firebase effectively. They pinned you down... so good for them? they know how to hold ground and you don't know how to take it.

    And you did this solo? you never thought to radio for one of your teamates to support you? you never thought to switch to a sniper so that your explosive rounds and flak would clear the room? they COULD be destroyed, it just sounds like you expected to be able to do it alone and got frustrated when you couldn't. Do you always expect to win fights against 2 people at the same time?

    Explosive shots from the sniper. Mortar from the gunner. these are area of affect attacks.

    just like how when skilled players use their skill to pin teams down, that's abusing their skill? Come on kid, you were presented with an obstacle that you couldn't rambo your way through and now you're crying that a perfectly legitimate way to hold ground is unfair because you didn't like it. Normally I try to be nice, but seriously cry me a river...


    also, thanks for the map, we can clearly see that they're lose enough to the open room to be able to be hit with an airstike. A couple level 3's would be able to take em out easy peasy.
    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  14. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Yes, I could of dealt with it a different way, but the support wasn't built for firebase farming and shotgun spamming. I once played support to see how easy it was to abuse and got MVP just by using the shotgun.
  15. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    And did you stay close to the middle of the dome with your head poking out like a moron or did you stay around the edge so that the firebases couldn't hit you?

    then still, kill both of them. go up, around, to the back, and minigun the **** out of them. Or be a sniper with explosive rounds.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    If you get killed by the Support's shotgun, it's your fault. You should NEVER let a Support get that close.
  17. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Oh, I'm sure you do. I GET IT. There were other ways to fight them. This thread is just saying "please stop using your weapons the way they weren't intended and support." I'm sorry I didn't live up to MLG PR0 EXPECTATIONS, but I couldn't find a way at the time and just want to say that I don't like the way players handle the support class. DEAL WITH IT and actually try to be as "Nice" as you live up to be because you're just coming off as abusive.
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Seriously dude, quit crying about it. :cry:

    I play support exclusively. Prolly because I suck at the other classes. If you can't take out a firebase, avoid the area. I've had matches with 3 support whoring that center area of ammo mule. Guess what, we've win most of those by giving up that area. Let em have it, push bots, win the match.

    I've heard people whine about snipers, assassins, gunners for obvious reasons. They have the tools to kick your ***. This is the first time I've seen someone rage about that wicked firebase. Really?

    Oh yeah, keep thinking of the support as a "defense" class, and the will be my firebase you see drilling your money ball when "YOU LOSE" pops up on the screen. :twisted:

    Happy hunting :lol:
    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  19. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    And that's why you're not getting a whole lot of love in here. you're whining, pure and simple. Not the way they intended? I don't think a dev will touch this topic with a 10-foot pole but the firebase was intended to be put down somewhere and shoot people. The ones you encountered did just that.

    not abusive

    completely intended

    You have no argument.
  20. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    99% sure a leashed gunner prespinning dual minis could have taken out 1 of the firebases, retreated, then taken the other firebase (in addition to killing the supports)

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