I love and its really versatile (nice one Uber). I do however have a few questions. I had already a pretty nice system for a 2v2. So i wanted to give that planet some polish however it doesnt seem to save my csg editing and metal placing. I get the same original planet after I've saved and reload it. Metal placement csg placement. It all hasn't changed. Do I need to make a complete new base planet to have the csg changes in or is it possible to edit earlier build system with the new system editor? Is there a certain way you need to start or save the system if you want to have the csg en metal edits saved? Also I had a crash so I'll add in the dump.
Ok I'm lost with the system editor. So I made a new system with the same values which worked out fine. Just to be sure I edited some metal spot saved it and rechecked it. The changes made it in. I then started tweaking with the csg and while editing saving numerous times just to be sure. Then I placed down the metal spots and saved it again. After that I reloaded the map and all the changes were gone . I got the standard csg that was in and no metal spots ( because I brought back the slider cause I would place em my self). Am I doing something wrong cause I have no clue why this is happening. If I edit the metal spots how am I sure that it will render the metal spots I placed in and not something from the slides. How am I sure that the csg that I place will keep in place and not be replaced by the standard ones when rendering the planet. I saved it and I didn't got any message if I want to save the changes when I closed the system editor ( which means that it was saved).
Okay found the problem. Always click on the preview all button if you want to reedit the system! If you edit the planet and click on the preview terrain or preview terrain and gameplay it'll rerender according to the sliders configuration ( and you'll lose the personal configurations). If you want to edit the metal spots you can do this only once I think. If you'll reload it and press the preview terrain and gameplay you'll lose everything.
I'll just keep updating about my finding in the system editor. So if you edited a system always use the preview all button first. If you want to reedit the metal spots: click on preview all first, then edit csg and the metal spots and spawn spots will also be rendered. Then click edit metal spots. If you want to change the spawn points (size or amount of army spawn points) then first click on preview all, then edit csg, then edit metal spots, and then type a numer at spawn size or number of armies and press enter. It should keep all the custom csg in place. And then save it