About the patch, more updates including support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by bozeefus, September 27, 2010.

  1. bozeefus

    bozeefus New Member

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    As you may all know the Support has his pros and cons, but seriously, let's get real here, the supports air strike still deals one hit kills on level one, it's bad enough that he has his firebase and hack,. I mean, don't get me wrong, i love Support but it's not necessary for him to have an instakill at level one, atleast have his airstrike do around 70-80% of damage. Sure, it increases range, but damage is the real problem here. Sure, i can definitely see an instakill if it's ATTACHED to you, but when it's near you it can get pretty rediculous.

    Was the airstrike ever mentioned in the patch? if not, please look into this.
  2. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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    lol. you want him nerfed more, eh?

    in case you didn't know, there is an obnoxiously loud, high pitch noise and a giant blue/red beam of light to let you know that it's coming.
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I can walk away when an upgraded air strike is thrown next to me when using a tank. Why are you having problems countering this?
  4. Red Shift

    Red Shift New Member

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    Don't let these wankers get to you, a lot of people out there would agree with ya here.

    Like you said, Air Strike is definitely OP when you consider how strong all the Support's other abilities are. Between the shotgun, air strikes, and firebase, the support has to be toned down somewhere. If you want the Air Strike to remain the small nuclear weapon that it currently is, then crank down the firebase so that some classes don't have to call for help to get rid of it.

    Personally, I think the Air Strike should deal damage comparable to Assault's bomb. If it's stuck to you or goes off within a few feet of you, then sure it should be able to instantly kill, otherwise just have it deal high damage.
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I'm really only ever killed by supports Air strikes when they glitch through overhead cover, or am stuck by one in the open (usually greg) or when a support takes advantage of that suicidal Assassin that face grapples a tank.

    The support is already being nerfed extremely hard now that you need hack 3 for enemy turrets. Greg and I won't be winning in 1:10 any more by hacking a base turret with a support/tank combo.

    He already has no reliable mid/long range attack besides his stationary firebase, which any good tank can kill in 1 grenade + half a jet gun clip THROUGH the overheal. Unless he sticks you, hes only going to kill morons/crowd controlled/distracted people with the air strike.

    As was stated above, I have zero difficulty dodging air strikes as the slowest class in the game (though the tank does have charge to help).
  6. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    If you can dodge a wrench...

    one airstrike is no biggy

    But a good support will toss one on you, behind you and in front at lvl3
    Unless you have a charge skill , you ded

    Lets not forget tossing them under the front spawn entrance at the enemy base :lol:

    I don't have much problem with the air strike

    But between the fire base, air strike, shot gun, and most importantly the no aim gun
    The support is almost in need of a nerf more then the sniper...almost
  7. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I usually only get killed when an airstrike goes through cover. Or Judson tries to share the love. ;)
  8. PiggyGamer

    PiggyGamer New Member

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    I think I've scored ONE kill with a level 1 air strike, and Support is my most-played class.
    Level 2 air strike is pretty good, but it's only when you get to level 3 that I would even begin to consider the possibility that the air strike might be a teensy weensy bit overpowered.

    Compared to level 2, at level 3 you get:
    More area per beacon
    One more beacon to throw at a time
    Faster cooldown

    The only time I ever really get a bunch of kills with air strike is when my team's attacking the enemy moneyball and I throw them out at random below the spawn door or in a triangle around the moneyball. Or other times when things are intense and the other team is distracted. OR when my opponents are inexperienced or just plain suck.

    But with all that said, I don't really think air strikes should be nerfed.
    Every class has some ability(ies) that could be considered overpowered:
    • -Assault has bomb (easy ring-outs when used properly) and lvl 3 charge (uber-strong grapple)
      -Sniper has uber strong grapple and explosive rounds (easy to get juice)
      -Assassin has... backstab and high jump? I dunno, but a good assassin can be really good, so w/e. Oh, also, easy-to-get/powerful juice.
      -Tank has death blossom and... stuff.
      -Gunner has high damage/accuracy/health, mortar, slam

    What I mean is that every class has potential to be played in a number of different ways.
    Nerfing the support's airstrike would severely limit his direct offensive capabilities, making it almost impossible for him to lead a push/do damage to the enemies and their turrets by himself. Every other class has this potential, so why not him?
    Because he's the "support" class and should be relegated to being a healbot who only follows around his team-mates and hacks turrets? Nuh-uh.
    Every other class uses their abilities to support the team in some way or another. It's just that the support's are the most obvious and direct. I could list all this out again, but I'm too lazy. Just... think about it.
  9. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    I'll keep this short...

    It is called an Air Strike. In what universe is an Air Strike not believed to be a pretty powerful weapon? I think being able to duck under a ledge to avoid one is already pretty generous.

    Although...somehow I was killed by an air strike while in the tunnel on LazeRazor. Still scratching my head on that one. Perhaps a glitch exploit I'm unaware of.
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The only thing close to OP about support (minus glitches) is the rate at which he can obtain juice despite not engaging in combat. The support's juiced capabilities are far less than pretty much every other class in the game, however. (I mean generally, there are obviously some exceptions).
  11. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I play support about 80% of the time and I'll agree with you there. Air strikes are only overpowered to those that frequently do not pay attention. Hell even the tank has time to get away from one without even charging.

    The other thing that's overpowered is the range on a 3.3 firebase.

    As it is the nerf to the heal/hurt gun (requiring rate of fire to have it where it is now) and the increased hack time on enemy turrets is plenty.
  12. bozeefus

    bozeefus New Member

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    Thanks for the Support on atleast trying to get this "Nerfed".

    One thing that is extremely weird is how can the Support throw 3 air strike but the assault can throw his bomb once? pretty OP if you ask me, if it's like that, then have Support throw 1 at a time, only fix the damage and radius for each level, makes assault useless on the bomb part if you think about it.

    The Support's already an army, what more does he need?
  13. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I still have to say Support is overpowered. I mean, I play it A LOT, so it's not a case of "It beats me, I hate it." A little of it comes to stategic placement of firebase, but a lot of it still comes down to the base power of the class. There are few places you can pop a firebase that will be useless. Airstrikes are awesome, and level three is badass. Hack is useful as hell, and Passive 2 will help you get close enough to hack enemy turrets. Granted, that's still a risk, but a significantly lower one. Bot buffing isn't the best ability, but it's hardly the filler that is deploy, and it's only a portion of one level of one skill.

    This is a "no filler" class, much like Sniper. Even Assault, the "all rounder" doesn't seem to have that kind of utility. I mean, Assault's got some nice ones, too. But bomb is no airstrike and charge 3 makes it very focused.
  14. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Assault's bomb isn't limited to a clear view of the sky and you get to determine when it detonates. Comparing the two makes no sense. A support can't throw a air strike marker out there and then wait for a moment to detonate...THAT...would be over powered.

    I like them both the way they are. Plenty of uniqueness/difference in usefulness.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But that is the main purpose of the game. WORKING TOGETHER! The problem is NOT the game but it IS bad players.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I think 2.3 and 3.3 firebases have the same range (greg and I tested this at one point). 3.3 is just tougher and heals pros. That might be closer to the OP aspect of it (maybe Hack 3 and fire base 3 should be required before it reaches its current range), but its still a stationary target that goes down from focus fire like any other stationary target. I think with hack and heal/hurt being nerfed that nothing else really needs to be looked at unless they want to make him a purely defensive class (which would suck).

    The tank is a perfect counter to the firebase if he uses product 3 + jet gun, especially since the only quick way for supports to stop you is to juice (i'd rather him waste juice to save his firebase then wreck our base) or shotgun you 2-3 times. If he tries that, he'll be hit by cluster bombs AND charge 3 after you kill the base. Most supports build their firebases under roofs so they are not airstruck, which means you can destroy it from close range without getting 1 shotted by the sky bombz.
  17. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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    I will definitely agree with Hudson that the most overpowered thing about the support is his ability to get juice. I EXCLUSIVELY play support, and that's definitely his biggest strength.

    Nearly all of the supports skills are SO easily countered. People are just impatient .. and unwilling to make the smart play.

    Firebase - As Hudson made abundantly clear, the firebase can be taken out from a
    distance easily by..

    1. The Tank's PG + Jet Gun.
    2. Gunner's Mortar
    3. Assault's secondary
    4. Sniper rounds

    ..and not so easily by the assassin's smoke bomb + hack and slash.

    The airstrike can be seen/heard a few seconds before it hits. Look before you leap.

    The heal/hurt gun takes an outrageous amount of time to kill an enemy without juice.. If you can't kill him with bullets before he kills you then you likely would have died anyway and natural selection wins again.
  18. SaTaNiCxCaRnAgE

    SaTaNiCxCaRnAgE New Member

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    Ok lets go over a few things.

    1 If you cant dodge a level one air strike that is NOT stuck to you then you have serious problems.

    2 To use a shot gun EFFECTIVELY you have to be extremely close.

    3 Fire base does need to be adjusted a bit. Range is a bit ridiculous.

    4 The only argument to air strike should be at lvl 3 it can take out ANY turret on the field if properly placed.

    5 As far as air strikes to pros goes it takes SKILL to properly place air strikes and CONSISTENTLY get kills with them. Everyone gets lucky now and then.

    6 As stated in a previous post if your not a gunner and you can die from hurt gun from full health you deserve to be dead anyway.

    7 Fire bases are EASILY destroyed by :
    and that nifty support that will somehow hurt gun the fire base from around a corner

    Lets face it firebases are normally under cover. But then 3 classes can bounce projectiles. and snipers have flak. Im sure you get the picture.

    And i to will agree that the most over powered thing about support is getting juice with out EVER having to enter combat
  19. bozeefus

    bozeefus New Member

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    Sorry if i didn't explain myself clearly, but i wanted to say that the Assault should have something similar to the Sniper's ice trap, proximity mines for the Assault, because you have to watch the bomb everytime, it's better to catch someone with a proximity mine rather than having to babysit it to detonate it.
  20. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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    So. Just so I'm sure that I'm picking up what you're putting down .. You think that the support's air strike is overpowered, but you think that it would be fair to be able to lay down bombs that can't be disabled that will explode when walked over? .. Meaning, of course, that you could place them along the edges of maps and get all sorts of kills for doing absolutely nothing?

    I think you should just come out and say that you'd like your class of choice to be unbeatable.

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