So I just decided to preorder this game. Just by watching this video I was totally convinced that I needed the Delta, man that thing looks badass: ... Pg&index=1 Like many I'm also an old TA player and I'm happy to see many concepts reintroduced here, I also share Jon's views on non-upgradeable units (besides the Commander), every unit for its purpose. I already tried to search for a existing topic, no luck. Anyone know how to join this secret forum ?
Saying the commander will have upgrades is a bit of a misnomer, they will each have slight differences in the units, so the delta commander will have 1 of 5 (or more) possible weapons and 1 of 5 (or more) possible abilities (such as cloak which was mentioned in the live stream). While the abilities wont necessarily be unique between commanders, the arrangements will. But that's not what this thread is about.
hmm, I get that, perhaps when they mention in the video that preorders will get access is because backers also get the game. I was just wondering if it was general or not. Damn that I didn't find out about this game till now, anyway I got the Cosmic so I guess I still have lots to be happy about :mrgreen: edit: I read the forum FAQ which you see in the upper left corner just besides "Search", I just didnt realize there was a thread aswell. No matter now I guess - thanks
For completion's sake, this is the link to the backer's forum: viewforum.php?f=64 If the link doesn't work but you pre-ordered or kickstarted the game, PM garat (link posted above)