ExT Insanity here just wondering on what you guys think about the lvl 3 charge for the assault class. What I'm wondering, more specifically about, is if you even purchase it at all. Unless I am playing a team full of assassins, I personally do not because I use the charge more for the mobility and to escape near-death situations. Some debate that the 400 is worth the grapple but from my personal experiences, I only become a target when I use it. (Mostly because it's around a 3 to 4 second move which can easily get you killed when playing a skilled or cooperative team.) Also, I could use that 400 for the annihilator or save it for a juice. Post what you would personally do in this scenario and why or if you have anything to say about it. Thanks, ExT Insanity
Aside from playing for funzies, the only time I get this is out of necessity. For example, juiced Assassin rushing our base, will most likely destroy all of our turrents. If I have the money, I'll upgrade to Charge 3 just to get rid of her. Unfortunately then I'm stuck with it for the rest of the game
i think its overpowered but apparently im in the minority from the multiple threads ive read about people saying it needs a buff.
I think that if you're up against decent communicative players, you'll be shot to pieces in the couple of seconds it takes to grapple people. That said, it's brilliant on Grenade III and Ammo Mule, and is good for CC'ing Juicers.
I prefer not to use it as a skill period. If I'm playing to win, and nothing else, the only skill that makes it to level three is the bomb. The rest goes to juice. If I'm playing for a win, but havin' fun, I'll upgrade it to Lv 3 last. I enjoy the increased speed for the skill to recharge, but that's about it. I enjoy it's ability to CC, but then I have to be wary when I charge through bots, or charge a person. I've rung people out, and taken them away from our ball with just a lovely Lv 3 bomb. Knockback on that thing is ridiculous.
It lets you do the TeomiNADE/One man splode-a-pro. Throw an bomb when the grapple is about to connect and see that juiced players face demoralized. Nuff said.
It's usually the third skill I max out as an assault(fourth being fly.) unless I'm playing on Granadelll or Steel Peel, in which I normally bomb jump around, then I upgrade it last, since then I use it for mobility.
If I have a high skill regen I find it more useful, you can charge very frequently for moving around. I find it also pays off on grenade III if you chose to hang around the top of their base where snipers tend to stand, as players come for you having quicker skill regen is more useful than not getting the animation.
Normally I don't get Charge 3 unless I find lots of juice rushers. The animation leaves you too vulnerable to be shot for my liking.
Charge 3 is really a situational move for me. Most games I do not buy it but there are situations where I would such as CC'ing a juiced player or even just using for faster transportation. But nine times out of ten I would use charge two and just use that four hundred to pay for the annhialator or something.