About flow fields

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by deadswine, May 19, 2013.

  1. deadswine

    deadswine New Member

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    I just saw youtube video in witch Elijah Emerson was explaining flow fields.
    There was a litle bit of talk about pushing units and such. I would like to point that since this game is going to be highly moddable it would be natural to add such possibility so modders can use it even if there will be no hovercrafts in final game.

    And btw why not ad blast waves pushing units? :)
  2. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    Units pushing each other, or units simply being pushed by blast waves rather than thrown over looks retarded.

    I am pretty sure your question has already been discussed though. Try and search for relevant threads.
  3. deadswine

    deadswine New Member

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    you didn't got it sir
  4. thapear

    thapear Member

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    How about instead of posting something as useless as this, you actually explain what you mean then, what he didn't get. I believe the main post was quite confusing and I do not get what you're trying to say in the first paragraph.

    I believe blast waves shoving units would, indeed, look silly as opposed to throwing them over.
    That said, the flow field only tells the unit where to move (voluntarily), so it's quite unrelated to pushing/blast waves.

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