About a game.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by deleterus, September 27, 2013.

  1. deleterus

    deleterus New Member

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    Hello, i playing betta now, and have some questions.
    1) Factories rally points. Did it work? I can't see anything, and setin this blindly. Troops riding to it, but without any symvol hard to wath over situation.
    2) How working interplanetary flying? I send my commander to the other planet and he starts to flying around the sun while he not meet the targetin planet. Can i somehow to know, how long that flying takke time before i send my spaceship? Or maybe can i see the timer of flying?
    3) How to put game on Pause? If i play alone.
    4) Why Advanced Radar Sattelite not have textures?
    5) Day & Night changes do something? Les visible area or something?
    6) How to create map with asteroids & meteorites?
    And something about future))
    7) Will be more new units? Or maybe new technical level like experimental units?
    8) To be honest, game world looking wery borind and empty.( Unnamed robots are fighting for the nameless planet is unknown purpose. Its a complete style or it may be extended? I mean did game become more alive? Like:
    A) More animated planets for example:
    - Earth like planet have animals(flying Bird for example). Trees are moving at the wind.
    - On Fire planets have a lava explosions. Steam from cracks.
    - Cold planets have blizzards
    - Mechanical planets have a moving parts inside.
    I dont want realistic physics, its only decoration, but this decorathion get wold more animated and alive.

    B) Animated space. Some falling stars on background. Others galactics, black holes.
    Again its only decoration, but it have same purpose.

    C) Voices and speaking. Robots can speak)) Simple word like "Warning! Our base an uner attack".) Emm.. i don't know how to explain, why it good, in English)).

    Thank you for this Game! I hope it become more fun. To bad that RTS in our times is dying genre((
    P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
  2. thundercleez

    thundercleez Member

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    1) Rally seems to work. I hope they add a rally icon eventually, but for now, hold shift to see where a factory will rally to.

    2) Hit escape and choose the chrono cam option in the menu on the left.

    6) You can create a map in the system editor.

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