Unless there's a way to do this I don't know about, I'd really like to be able to run a one-man server. I'm the kind of person who any time a new TF2 map comes out, I have to run around and try all the scout jump routes, check out the aesthetics, noclip everywhere and look for interesting things, easter eggs, etc. I'd really like to be able to do that in MNC to see how far jets can get me, try assault air-dash routes, etc., without having to experiment during a real game. But as near as I can tell, I can't run a private server without at least one more person. Would it be possible to make one-player servers possible, and just refuse to record stats? That way you don't have to worry about people farming moneyballs or something just to drive their level and protags up, but people are free to look around and get a feel for things.
Open the console and load maps with these commands: open DLC1_AmmoMule.hmap open DLC1_Grenade3.hmap open DLC1_LazerRazor.hmap open DLC1_Spunky.hmap open DLC1_SteelPeel.hmap