1. syox

    syox Member

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    Sorry guys no Anti Air thread this time. :lol:

    I am talking about anti-aliasing, will we have it?
    Will it be a Uber own implementation?
    Will you just use one of the card-manufacturers build-ins?

    Watching a vid of supcom right now and aliasing realy sucks, breaks the immersion very much.
  2. r1zoTo

    r1zoTo Member

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    Please add at least FXAA
  3. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    If you add FXAA, could it be tunable? Some people prefer the softer look that handles jaggies better, and others prefer a very sharp look that barely handles jaggies at all.
  4. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing) is a high priority for me, mainly because it's extremely fast and cheap and the results are surprisingly good. Where FXAA and most post process antialiasing techniques are weak are in long thin geometry, which the style we're going for with PA isn't likely to be common.

    SMAA (Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Anti Aliasing) might also be a good thing to look in to. I hate the generic MLAA (Morphological Anti Aliasing) as I feel it distorts the final image too much. The poster child for MLAA are the God of War games on the PS3, but they do a lot more than just straight MLAA to get it to look decent. SMAA seems to be a combination of many techniques to fix the problems MLAA has, including a significant performance detriment over FXAA.

    Vanilla MLAA (Morphological Anti Aliasing) I will fight against adding, personally... It's way slower than FXAA for worse results, and SMAA, if we implement it, does the technique better.

    MSAA (Multi Sample Anti Aliasing) options may be a no go for PA depending on what we do with our renderer. Right now we're a deferred shading, which makes MSAA difficult. If at some point we move to deferred lighting MSAA might be an option.

    SSAA (Super Sampled Anti Aliasing) of the "OG" (Ordered Grid) variety should be possible to implement since all that really is is rendering the game at a higher resolution and down sampling it. SGSSAA (Scattered Grid Super Sampled Anti Aliasing) may also be possible, but we may just leave that to people who want to use driver overrides as it's a good deal more work to implement over OGSSAA.

    Other AA techniques (TXAA, GPAA, etc.) we'll have to look in to more.
    stormblast likes this.
  5. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Wasn't it stated in the last livestream that deferred lighting was already in use in PA?
  6. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    PA is currently using deferred shading, technically. Deferred lighting and deferred shading are different implementations of similar concepts. Deferred shading is what we are currently doing, keeping with the current terminology. Most people just refer to both as deferred lighting as in both the lighting calculations are deferred.

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