A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting st.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zweistein000, July 3, 2013.

  1. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Hello, I'm Zweistein and I have been stalking this game or 6 months now viewing streams and forums. During that time certain questions have risen here namely:

    1. Will there be AI driven Sub-commanders that you can give partial control to. For example once you are battling on 4 planets 3 moons and an asteroid belt it may become very difficult
    to control everything so you build a sub-commander, who then takes control over that base/celestial body/gravity well, etc. and you set the privileges and restraints for that sub-commander to work with and leave him be, while you concentrate on more important battles.

    2. What will orbital combat look like? Will it be a set satellites flying around, orbital platforms and ground launcher rockets or will there be orbital ships (similar to space ships, but bound to high orbit), space ships (that will still fight in high orbit but be able to switch those orbits) and aerospace fighters/bombers that will do combat in the stratosphere and higher and may be able to bombard the planet?

    3. Will the graphics always stay so simplistic or can we expect that they will become more detailed and resource consuming in the future?

    4. Why does this game look so awesome?

    5. I heard that players with slow computers will not affect game speed. Does that mean that those players will be at a disadvantage (their CPU is slow so it takes 2 minutes to process 1 minute in a game making their games 100% slower compared to someone)?

    6. If fissure is connected to the sea and has water in it and is big enough, will ships be able to move in it?

    7. Will there be rivers, possibly wide enough to allow above?

    8. What are the differences between tanks and mechs?

    I didn't have much time so I just just glanced at the confirmed features list and posted this topic. Sorry if any of above has already been answered.
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Re: A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting

    Hi Zweistein,

    1 & 2 are still being fleshed out.
    For 3, the style of the game will stay true to the kickstarter trailer.
    With 5, slow players may experience lag or jumps, but they won't be behind other players. Other players won't be affected by slower players.
    6 & 7: Yes.
    8: Mechs are cheaper, faster but more fragile. Other differences may emerge as the game is refined.
  3. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Re: A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting

    Hey thanx for the answers. I have one more question:

    How is T2 compared to T1?
    I have seen some videos and it looks like T2 = Mk2 T1. If that is so, I believe T1 units my become completely obsolete once you can spam T2 units. So here's my idea (something I learned when I played Star trek Armada 2 Fleet ops mod): T1 Units stay useful throughout the game since they are can be spammed a lot. They are the workhorse of your army, the backbone. They are quick to produce, cheap but are also quick to die and less resource efficient. T2 Units are other other end of that spectrum: They cannot be spammed as much (In a game like this: unit spamming is inevitable), are more resource efficient, extremely strong and hard to kill, yet because they produce so much slower you cannot rely solely upon them alone since you will just run your economy to the ground and will get out produced by someone who only spams T1. BUT! If you mix them with your T1 units, they become these powerful units that wreck your enemy and give you an excellent edge in combat.
  4. scifiz

    scifiz Member

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    Re: A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting

    Balancing has yet to be done properly, so it's to be expected that it could appear that T1 become obsolete.
    However do remember that regardless of final balance you always still have that option of using them for feint attacks or harassment against enemy outpost to distract from the main force.

    Incidentally in fleet ops I had (It's not installed atm) a tendency to turtle, while harassing with T1/2. Nothing beats seeing 3 tactical cubes blow away an entire base... except maybe throwing an asteroid at it!
  5. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Re: A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting

    T2 making T1 obsolete is not the intention. If you haven't already, play the game Total Annihilation, which this game is based off. T2 is generally supplemental, having specialisations or specific strengths and weaknesses which means while they may be better than T1 in some circumstances, they aren't always better.
  6. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Re: A wild stalker appears, asking some questions/suggesting

    Exactly how I want it to be.

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