A thought on orbital gameplay - Modular Orbital Structures

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by freekillx1alpha, September 2, 2012.

  1. freekillx1alpha

    freekillx1alpha New Member

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    With the second stretch goal being "Gas Giants and Enhanced Orbital Units", ive decided to throw in my two cents worth on the idea of Orbital structures. For those of you that dont know, most real life space stations are sent up in modules. Now for us this may be just because of technological limitations, but i think it could work out as an interesting game play aspect.

    For example lets say you can send up 3 different modules blocks, simply labelled: Small, Medium, and Large (1x1, 2x2, and 4x4 block sizes respectively, all of which are 1 block thick). Each one would have its own construction costs (using the smallest one as the base price) of 100%, medium:300%, large: 900%, thus giving you a discount for building the largest one.

    These modules would be able to attach in space to create what ever square geometry you want (EX 1 large in the center with 4 mediums, one sticking out the middle of each "side" to make a pseudo cross). This orbital block would have construction areas on its 2 face sides, and its perimeter. Depending on which side want to use will depend on what you can build there.

    For example lets take my prior cross example, using SC/FA building sizes, i could build an aircraft factory on the center, with 4 air staging facilities all on the outward face (pointing away from the planet); i could also build say solar panels around the center blocks perimeter (equaling 8 in total) to help over come the running cost of this orbital structure, or i could build thrusters to reposition it over my enemies base in orbit. Finally the inner face (pointing toward the planet) could house flak cannons to stop the enemies orbital fighters from reaching the station, and thrusters every X blocks (to keep it in orbit, and provide a running cost)

    Other (quick) examples: -An orbital ring around a planet with anti-asteroid missile silos
    -Large orbiting satellites with solar stations and metal fabricators
    -Orbital troop stations with space-to-ground launchers (drop pods?)
    -Stealthed orbital recon satellites
    -Orbital weapons stations with anti-ground and anti-space weaponry
    -2 players linked their stations and have kbots and tanks fighting for control of the platforms
  2. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Re: A thought on orbital gameplay - Modular Orbital Structur

    Sounds like an awful lot of micro to build a base on yet another plane, remember we have multiple celestial bodies to invade, but in a complete separate manor to the rest of the game.

    Most of your ideas could be incorporated in to the game without the need for module platforms.

    For example:
    Battles can progress in orbit between dedicated hunter-killer satellites, they don't just have to run death from above.
    Units could be packed in to pods and fired in to space via structure similar to that shown in the trailer, but they stay in orbit until commanded to re-enter, they would of course be vulnerable to the aforementioned HK Satts.
  3. allot

    allot Member

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    Re: A thought on orbital gameplay - Modular Orbital Structur

    I think it is too advanced for the basic game.

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