We have orbital laser platforms already, but as far as offensive orbital units go, there's not very many. So I say, how about an orbital missile launcher? The idea I've had for it is pretty simple, it's a satellite that can fire a small cluster of (maybe 5 or so) missiles that deal less damage than the laser, and maybe even have a small AoE (a little smaller than the hornet bombs) and also don't launch accurately, but instead sort of cluster around the area you want hit, making it useful against slow moving armies or clumped together bases. Also the catapults could be used as a defense system for the missiles launched by the launcher. What do you think? Good idea or bad?
please remember to use the search function before posting, we have numorous posts about orbital and it has been discussed to death.
First search next time and to answer your question ... you have an assassination satalite already be it beam missile or ballistic projektile doesnt realy change that also thre is a general orbital defensecanon already However consider that orbital is rather to help scout and expand to other planets the main battle is and still should be done by your surfacearmy supported by your longrange arsenal ...