A spaceship workaround

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Nukesnipe, November 12, 2012.

  1. Nukesnipe

    Nukesnipe Member

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    Before you cry out "omg tres no spessips stp sking 4 it", let me explain myself, as I have said before, not all of a Zorua's tricks are bad.

    We already know that we'll be able to move celestial bodies around-roks-, so instead of actually having spaceships, we just have "asteroids" that we can send into orbit around other bodies or to another star.

    They would be broken into two major types, and of the first one, natural asteroids:
    The weapon-type asteroids are broken into two categories:
    Ballistic projectile:
    It's a rok. You point it at things and those things suddenly have big holes in the side.
    Weapons platform:
    The gentleman's rock, the weapons platform is moved into position and then bombards the target with artillery or missiles.

    Utility asteroids are anything that doesn't have a gun on it, factories, refineries, etc. One example would be this:
    You have an asteroid with a miner docking bay and interstellar thrusters. You fly it to the next star, park it in orbit around a planet, select your docking bay and deploy your miners-metal extractors that can pick up off of a planet and land on another body.

    The artificial satellite would be much more complicated, but at the same time, much more versatile. Built off of a modular base with different sizes, you could then add different attachments.
    Let's say you start with a 2x2x4 (measured in how many attachments per surface) rectangle. You could then stick some extensions on the sides for more thrusters, or you could put a 1-4 converter on the top for a couple of cannons, and then a couple of unit cannons on the bottom. Or you could have a 4x4x4 Borg cube, and stick a bunch of hanger bays and metal storage, then blast it off to pave the way for your commander!

    As usual, any other ideas, suggestions, cries of how homosex I am and how I should insert a cactus into my anus until I bleed to death, are all appreciated. Well, not the last one, but you know what I mean.
  2. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    To be honest with the game apparently going to be very very modder friendly, it wouldnt surprise me if a spaceship mod very quickly came to be in the community. I mean the mechanics are mostly there for spaceships with orbital units and moving Rokoliths. Just because the Devs arnt doing it doesn't mean that a mod wont come about (im actually 95% certain a spaceship mod will come into existence some time after release.)

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