A software/command/script/anything to stop fullscreen

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Pave, May 19, 2012.

  1. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    As the title implies, I'm looking for a software, command, script, anything you know that would stop/prevent games or any other software open in fullscreen by default.

    And I do mean "before the first launch". Heck there are even games that don't have any kind of windowed mode avaible. Not to mention this default-fullscreen messes up my dual-screen setup by hogging both monitors (aka, turining them black) and also messes the desktop resolution of mine.

    I have searched internet for this answer via dozens of forums, help services. And used more than 5 search engines (yes, even "ask-jeeves"). And this has been a issue for several years now.

    Please, do not suggest "-w", -"window" or any other similiar commands or other "generic" solutions I keep finding "everywhere" (like using alt+return/"enter"). Most of those don't work to begin with, especially when you have separated launchers. And same goes with Steam's launching commands.
    I need a totally independent solution to prevent "any kind" full screen, even if I'd prompt within in game (in other words, the game should stay ina a separate window, even if set the option to "full screen"). Heck, now that I mentioned this, maybe there could a solution to "emulate" a separte monitor within monitor (in before "Xzibit's Yo Dawg").

    I know that there are more tech savy people here, so it's possible one of you (even one of you UberEnt-Devs) would know a solution this nuisance that still plaques during 2012. I fairly certain there's solution, especially considering what all sorts of thing you can nowadays on Windows 7 (visual and audio-wise at least, not to mention some softwares like Xsplit have some special functions working only on Windows 7).

    ...No, shutting my computer is no solution; I need to make moneys, so I can more moneys to pay for more moneys to use that moneys to get that more moneys to moneys themselves to pay my rent and other things that needs moneys.


    In an "exchange", here's a link to "Cursor Lock", a neat little application for players like myself, who are being plaqued by "escaping cursors" on multi-monitor setups. I know some people over SMNC Community Mumble Channel needed this software, so no reason not to share it for rest of forum-people.
    Here you go: http://www.snakebytestudios.com/project ... rsor-lock/
  2. HiipFire

    HiipFire Active Member

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    Find the console command for fullscreen.
  3. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Could you perhaps elaborate more? That's a quite broad answer.
  4. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Well, I've beena little bit more lucky with my searches. And I thought it would be nice to share the info. Haven't tested all of them yet. But I am certain I'll eventually find to universal solution for all my games I keep playing.
    Here's the link: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Borderless ... n_Windowed
  5. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Boarderless window is a checkbox in options. :/ I've had it on since the moment I started playing.

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