A slice of my mind (Assault)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat Art and Fiction' started by lord_sammy, March 1, 2011.

  1. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    It isn't easy being the star. People get jealous. And by jealous, I mean Icemen. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that everyone wants to kill me when I'm out on the field. It's like a slice of Mickey Cantor's life. . .only without the gambling habits. But before you hate, understand the skill and precision it takes to mop the Arena with the entire enemy team. The jetpack is a pretty sweet deal. It's really useful both in and out of the arena. Walking? Who needs walking when you can go around in style?! Outside the arena, you might ask? Well unlike the sniper, allow me to let you in on a little secret: I just don't die! I have a reputation to uphold...anyways. Yeah. That jetpack. I'd say I love it almost as much as the Support loves his Firebase, but . . . I don't take my jetpack out on dates to the Olive Garden. Charging is fun, too. Ever tackle someone? I'm sure you have. Now, ever tackle someone so hard you feel their bones shatter like brittle glass against your awesome body? Yeah. Charging rules.

    You might ask me why I'm so light-hearted on the field of combat. . .I'd say it's because I'm brimming with awesomeness and self-confidence, but I have to give credit to the supplements too, right? Gobinumb is AWESOME. Bullets and knives and fire, it all just kinda tickles. It's a warm, tingly feeling when you get shot. And you have that Support with his heal gun and that warm blanket of ecstasy it gives you at the same time that tickly feeling that comes with being shot happens and man that's so trippy! And then you have Juice. Lemme tell you, it's a whole new level of high when you're on Gobinumb, a Support is healing you, and you're on a tenfold adrenaline rush and putting bullets in every skull you can find. Man. Just thinking about it makes me wanna be back in there.

    Anyways....Bombs. Supports are always going on about their airstrikes; but bombs are ten times more awesome and a guaranteed kill if you manage to do it right. No cover will save you from the mighty headcrab. Ground Zero is pretty cool, I'll admit, but with the Head Crab, there's simply no escape; and watching that hopelessness dawn on them before you detonate is almost as priceless as the time someone in the stands managed to catch a stray Buzzer and decided to hold on to it to take home as a souvenir. . .good times. Good times. Then the buzzer exploded right in his face. Man, you should have seen the looks on the faces of his wife and children. I could go on forever about why I love my job, why I love my life. But everyone else needs a turn, and you know me, I'm the star, but I'm also a team player.
    Last edited: March 3, 2011
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    :D deserves to be read
  3. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  4. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Fixed, I guess.
  5. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    That was what I was implying but..eh...*shrug* guess I'll edit

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