I'm just as guilty as anyone of this but we have a game where we are like 55-4 or 47-2 or something like that and we immediately consider that a great game. Which it really does seem that way. But the irony is, if we have that many kills, it means the game took us all the way to overtime to win. In reality to have a "great game" would be to crush your opponent in 2 minutes and go something like 4-0.
Not necessarily. You may be getting kills up the *** but if your team is absolutely terrible, you may not win until overtime.
It depends on what you consider a "good game". Too me, a good game is definitely not one that you crush your opponent in two minutes, nor one where you can sit back and kill farm for a ridiculous kill/death ratio. To me a good game is a closely matched one, where the two teams trade map dominance multiple times throughout the game. The games where you get pinned down into your base but still manage to fight your way out are the most fun for me.
I really meant good game as far as doing well, not having a fun game. That's a different story and I agree with you there.
A "Good Game" for me or one where I do well requires me to have 100+ Bots kills, at least 6 turret kills, no less then 5 hazards used and a not so great k/d. I am the resident martyr.
I like this. I would add hopefully 10-15 deaths only, preferably less. Turret kills are good too, but turret assists are often just as good.
At the time I'm entered this thread, it had 6 replies and 66 views. So the list read as 6 66. DUNDUNDUNNN Anyhoot, a good game for me is when the team I'm on isn't mind-numblingly godawful. It's excruciatingly unpleasant when your teammates A) don't know what they're doing, B) don't know how to properly do whatever it is they're supposed to be doing, C) you can't do what YOU'RE supposed to be doing because you're too busy doing everything else the your teammates are supposed to be doing but they don't know how to do/aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. These events often coincide. And when they take place, separately or not, I die a little inside. I couldn't care less about the result of the game as long as I feel it is justified.
An good game for me is an evenly matched one,an game where we had lots of fun in or an game where my pub team is getting overrun and then we(me) completly turn the tide of the game.(Oby and Rev should know what I'm talking about. )
You mean an average game? Oh.. Is that just me? Typically a 'Good Game' would be one that lasts probably around 10 minutes. Long enough to be a bit of fun, but without laggy OT BS.
I dunno Stretch. I bet I can match your bot and turret kills with an even worse K/D. Anyday... A good game, to me, is a good match between teams. I like to fight it out til overtime, and STILL have both teams throwing haymakers until you see the moneyball go and you have to check to see if you won or lost. I also enjoy getting the crap kicked out of me for 15 and winning with a juice rush. Just something very satisfying about it.
I bet you'd love my games with 20 minute OT. My good games are when I get 20+ kills in about four minutes with <5 deaths.