Do you feel snubbed that you haven't been reviewed on Zero Punctuation by Yahtzee Croshaw? I mean you guys have been reviewed by Angry Joe on TGWTG, but he sucks and is stupid.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. He reviewed Limbo. He should have had an episode dedicated to the Summer of Arcade titles. I'd love to hear his thoughts/rant.
He hates games that you have to play multiplayer online by default. And lets face it, MNC does not stand up on its own for single player. Though it would have been nice to hear a blurb on it.
i hope maybe if they add new turrets and features to MNC, or make a sequel with more stuff, they should add fun features to blitz as well. tower defence in 3d is an awesome concept, at least i play it many a time and again. everyone here likes tower defence, wouldnt 12 turrets with different effects and powers be an amazing single/multiplayer game?
Rud, Could we have one thread that isn't negative? I've deleted this once already and now I'm going to to move it Off topic. No we don't sit around thinking about why there hasn't been a review or not.
woah, i thought it was an intellegent thought, that they dont review games that must stand in multiplayer, and i argued that it is a good single player because everyone like tower defence games like "bloons" or "vector" that was positive. kinda. at least my arguement was. well i did say it could get better. but it was still positive and constructive. well im sorry if it didnt seem positive, that was probably our fault :cry:
I'm talking about the original question and comments about Angry Joe, BroTanquility, not your response.
I'm confused. You know Yahtzee doesn't like online multiplayer, but you still make a thread wondering why he doesn't review a game that is pretty much multiplayer only?
Obvious post count padding is obvious. The OP is probably at work with nothing better to do than create threads about mundane and foolish crap. Near 500 posts and about 4-5 of those were even worth a read. :lol:
I was wondering where it went...I thought it disappeared quick. Also I'm not trying to increase my post count. I was wondering if the developers cared how or who was reviewing the game. I wasn't trying to be negative. I know Yahtzee's style is negative no matter what. And as a rule he hates multiplayer team death match games...but this one isn't focused on team death match, so I would wonder if his opinion would be different. Angry Joe is a moron. Plus I was wondering if they pay attention professional criticism. Also I'm slightly wondering if any criticism is good because that means Uber as a video game company is on the radar.