A question about this game

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by millhousemanastorm, January 10, 2015.

  1. millhousemanastorm

    millhousemanastorm New Member

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    I wonder something here.

    I heard about a mode (campaign specifically) where it was generated a universe and you could conquer it, is this for multiplayer too? I mean, this game looks so cool since you can exit your planet an such, I'd like to build a huge empire and wage war or ally other factions (players), I want a planet thats essentialy a big city etc. I might be over my head by limits etc, but this is a game I'd really like to get into (I'm buying it tommorow).

    Pretty much, since you can leave planets, I feel like it's a waste if games are short (I dont actually know how long they are :s)
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    It will be for multiplayer some time in the future, and it is planned and one of the main points of the galactic war kickstarter stretchgoals... it just hasn't happened yet exactly. =P

    (Also games can go on for 12 minutes to 3 hours; it depends grealy on the system's, or map's as youd know it, size)
  3. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    Fair warning though, in order to play on big systems like that you need at least 8 GB of RAM

    There is no known timeframe for the multiplayer galactic war, how the current one works wouldn't really work in a multiplayer scenario, hence why it is taking longer to make.

    Who knows, maybe the big update that they're trying to get out by the end of month will be it :)

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