A page with accurate stats?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by CrancK, December 29, 2010.

  1. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    I've tried searching for any place that could tell me wtf the exact value's/ranges are for damage/hp/regen/endorsements/skills and all of that, (you know, the gamerules)

    and i've found the http://mondaynightcombat.wikia.com/wiki ... ombat_Wiki
    which has some info, but i'm not sure thats correct info (besides being very incomplete) since a thread here on the forums about armor endorsements gives very different stats...

    anyone know where to find such data/info? or if it's not available yet, could the devs like... make a list or something? (i mean, that shouldn't be very hard, right?)
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The reason why you can't find matching numbers is because everyone has their own way to measure it. As for the Devs releasing the info they have said they don't want to release the exact numbers. ScAthis has it somewhere where he explains why they aren't releasing any exact numbers.

    As for user gathered info this thread is probably one of the better lists. He is still missing some endorsement info though.
  3. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    ok searched a bit through scathis' posts and the 2 i could come up with are:


    now these 2 definitly indicate that he doesn't want to/can give us that information, but it does lead me to wonder why! (since he doesn't actually give a reason, he just points to there being a reason)

    because, well... simply said... i like to know what stuff does, i like to know the rules before/while i'm playing a game, any game...

    or at least, to know a bit about the game, because really, what do i know?
    -i know theres 2 teams (basically 1, since they're the same)

    -i know theres 6 classes, which are all different

    -i know they all have 2 guns, of which i can only experiment with, to find out how it works, how well it works, how well it works against different things and wether certain other things (such as endorsements) would benefit it.

    -i know they have 3 abilities, of which i know nothing, except for the general thing they do, (because i can look/experiment), and the fact that they'll probably become better with each level, but i can't even really check or make that decision myself based on any information i have.

    -i know all of them have health, and i know about like the order of most hp to lowest, but i can't actually confirm it, it's an estimation at best, and i still don't know the actual difference (for example, if a gold armor passive 3 tank is in red, would that mean, low health? or maybe it means, hes got as much health as an assasin without armor?, i don't know, i can't check!)

    and i can go on and on, but that's probably really boring, so suffice it to say, that i think theres a lot of stuff, which i don't know anything about.
    I can estimate all of these things, (though how well that estimation is depends on how noticable it is ingame)
    i can experiment, and get very close to the actual numbers if i spend lots of hours...

    BUT, someone could also just get a list of variables or something, since i do assume they have the variables easily reachable, in case of balancing stuff, and that would take alot less time.... (and i think it would be proper, you know... you sell a product, but you don't actually wanna say what the product does?, you know, bit strange)

    wow, long post... ahwell, i feel strongly about it i guess :p
    the link to the thread you posted is usefull though, thx
    (though it does make me want to stress my point more, that i want info about the product i purchased, (although i do realise you could call me a fool for buying a product without knowing exactly what it does/does not do))

    (also, if i screwed up on searching and he did explain it with an argument somewhere else, do tell me i'm an idiot with searches and direct me to that post plz?)

    just searched through the .ini's a bit, maybe a simpler thing, something a dev can awnser, is "monday night combat/hostilegame/config/defaultbalance.ini" the file with the correct numbers? or the hostilebalance.ini? or another one i haven't checked yet wether they seem to have all the numbers related to this? (if so, ill gladly parse it and make it into a nice list of stuff people can use)

    the numbers seem correct, i have no idea how the grapple damage is being calculated, but most other stuff seems pretty clear, will make a post soonish containing said stats (still wouldn't mind confirmation wether these are indeed the correct values however, i'm pretty sure, but since i'm not a dev, i can't be 100% sure)
  4. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    Ok, so here are the stats according to defaultBalance.ini and hostileBalance.ini

    Firstly though, i'll have to admit that even though i found those files, i still have to assume a hell of a lot of stuff, since the files dont tell me, so i'll list my asssumptions, starting with the major one:

    -The files i'm checking are correct (would love to get some kind of verification of this, now an easy example that works is: tank railgun damage = 149, x5 vs bots, blackjack has 2000 hp, 3 hits is kill ingame, so 149*3= 2235, which thus seems to be correct)

    -That anything that is to do with time, is counted in seconds
    -That the devs aren't completely weird, and thus do things that other coders do, in this case i mean, the numbers in the file, mean either fractions/percentages or full numbers, and they either represent sets, multipliers, multiplier adds, adds, subtracts, divides and so on like any other game
    -That fixed means turrets, Core means the ball, Fodder means Bots, boss means Jackbot, inst means instigator=self,
    -That a full ability bar = 60 (since on use most abilities cost 60)
    -That maxrange = max damage range, and from there to falloff theres a falloff curve of damage, and the falloff value = max range as in doesnt do damage beyond it (only seems to apply to hitscan weapons)
    -That a full Juice bar = 100
    -That i don't know what everything means, thus i'll have some question marks at stuff where i'm not sure
    -The throw vs stuff, i dunno what it means, i'm thinking it might mean impulse, but then it'd be rather low in comparison to the other impulses, so im not sure
    -That the ReloadFraction and Reload should be combined to make 1 number = reloadtime

    I'll list stuff as what i think it does (if the name of the variable is pretty obivous) or, i'll put it in as the original and put a * infront, i'll also write down the value as given first, and then in between () an easier to read value/proper type (like sec/hp/% etc) (if possible)

    Onto the stats:

    Health Delay Till Regen & Regen Time Till Full
    light: 5sec
    medium: 6sec
    heavy: 8sec

    (light = assasin & sniper, medium = assault & support, heavy = gunner & tank)

    Melee Juice: 5 per hit
    Crit Base Duration: 1sec
    Melee Damage: 100
    Melee Backdamage Multiplier: 2 (200%)
    Melee Damage vs Bots: 2 (200%)
    Melee ROF: 0.75 (1.33/s)
    Time for multikill: 4sec
    Max level: 99

    Assault, HP: 500, Speed: 600, AirSpeed: 500

    Damage: 8-39 (80-390dps)
    ROF: 0.1 (10/s)
    Spread: 0.085
    Zoomed in Spread Modifier: 0.65 (-35%)(spread = 0.05525)
    Zoomed in Speed Modifier: 0.25 (-75%)(speed = 150)
    Ammo: 25 shots
    Juice: 0.25
    Reload Time: 1.66
    Max Damage Range: 1536 units
    Max Damage Range Zoomed in: 2048 units
    Max Range: 2560
    Max Range Zoomed In: 2560

    Damage vs Bots: 1.0 (100%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 0.5 (50%) (40-195dps)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.2 (20%) (16-78dps)

    -Grenade Launcher,
    Damage: 150
    ROF: 1.0 (1/s)
    Spread: 0.01
    Radius: 256 units
    Impulse: 50000 (amount of push given by explosion)
    Ammo: 10 shots
    Juice: 1
    Reload Time: 2.8sec
    Grenade Life: 1sec
    Crit Duration: 0.25(?)

    Damage vs Bots: 3.0 (300%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 2.0 (200%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.5 (50%)

    Grapple Damage: 150 damage
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 3000 damage

    Skill Recovery: 5 (12sec)
    Drain: 30/25/15 per sec
    Cost on Use: 10
    Spread Modifier: 1.5 (+50%)(0.1275 or 0.082875 while zoomed in)

    Skill Recovery: 3/4/5 (20/15/12sec)
    Damage: 100/200/300
    Radius: 256/384/512 units
    Impulse: 100000/175000/225000
    Cost on Use: 60

    Damage vs Bots: 2.5 (250%) (250/500/750damage)
    Damage vs Turrets: 3.3 (330%) (330/660/990damage)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 3.33 (333%) (333/666/999damage)
    Damage vs Self: 0.5 (50%) (50/100/150damage)

    Health: 25
    Extra Damage when attached to something: 2000
    Arm Time: 1sec

    Skill Recovery: 4/7/9(15/8.57/6.67sec)
    Damage: 150/300/450
    Impulse: 50000/75000/100000
    Cost on Use: 60
    Juice: 1

    Throw vs Heavy: 2500
    Throw vs Medium: 3000
    Throw vs Light: 3500

    Damage vs Turrets: 1.0 (100%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.0125 (1.25%) (1.875/3.75/5.625damage)

    Crit Damage Bonus Lvl 2: 0.15 (+15%)
    Crit Damage Bonus Lvl 3: 0.25 (+25%)
    Crit Chance Lvl 2: 2 (2%)
    Crit Chance Lvl 3: 5 (5%)

    (def dps with passive 3 = 3*10+3*1.25*0.05*10 = 31.875| 39*10+39*1.25*0.05*10 = 414.375, increase of 24 dps = about 6% maxdamage increase)

    Jump modifier: 1.375 thus, something with jump gets a 37.5% boost prolly only jump height though, also doesn't say at which lvl passive (but we all know its level 2)

    -Support, HP: 400, Speed 600

    -Heal/Hurt Gun
    Heal/Repair: 20
    Repair Jackbot: 100
    Drain: 3
    Damage: 15
    Repair Damage: 39
    ROF: 0.25 (4/s)
    Heal Juice: 0.25
    Heal Max Juice: 0.05 (?) (ehm... max juice gained can only be 5% of full bar?)
    Heal Money: 0.075 (0.075 gold per hit = 0.3gold/s or 1gold per 3.3sec)
    Overheal: 1.5 (+50% hp)
    Max: 1536 (if already attached, max range),
    Trace: 1408 (if not connected yet, max range)
    Area: 1280 (if not looking toward it? Max range)

    Damage: 1-405
    ROF: 1.0 (1/s)
    Spread: 0.1
    Pellets: 15 (1 pellet does 1-27 damage?)
    Ammo: 8
    Juice: 0.3
    Max Damage Range: 384
    Max Range: 1024
    Reload Time: 2.425

    Cone Spread: 6
    Cone Trace Count: 3 (can only hit 3 people max? Need to test)

    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.25 (25%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 0.5 (50%)

    Damage: 75
    Damage vs Bots: 20 (2000% = x20 = 1500damage (?))

    Skill Recovery: 1 (always takes a minute to recharge)
    Duration: 150/165/180sec
    Channel: 5/4/3sec (how long it takes to hack)
    Use: 60
    ROF bonus: 1.0/0.8/0.6 (0/+20%/+40%)
    Radius: default/1024/1536 (not sure if this is added to the range or if this replaces the range of the turret)

    Damage: 2500
    Radius: 256/384/512
    Regen: 1/0.75/0.67 (60/80/89.55sec)(only one to actually take longer the better the skill becomes)
    Use: 60/30.5/20.5
    Aqcuire Time: 2sec (time for the airstrike to spawn, still has to fly down tho)
    Juice Per Hit: 1
    Damage vs Bots: 1.0 (100%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 1.0 (100%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.05 (5%)
    Projectilespeed: 1750

    Regen: 1/1.5/2 (60/45/30sec)
    Use: 60
    Reclaim: 15/30/45
    Health: 1000/1250/1500
    Healthregen: 0.1
    Aura Radius: 384
    Sight: 1280
    Damage vs Core: 0.4 (40%)
    Damage vs Bots: 2.0 (200%)
    ROF: 0.1 (10/s)
    Damage: 5-15 (either lvl 2 or lvl 3, max damage is upped to 20)
    Spread: 0.05
    Max Damage Range: 1280
    Max Range: 2048

    Regen Delay: 0.6 (medium regen delay = 6 so then this would be 3.6sec till regen)
    Max Health: 200 (meaning support has 600 hp without endorsements)

    Radius: 768
    Duration: 10sec
    ROF multiplier: 0.75 (+25%)
    Damage Reduction: 0.5 (50% DR)

    I'll do the rest later, takes a bit longer then i initially thought :p
    Last edited: January 11, 2011
  5. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

    Likes Received:
    -Gunner, Health: 700, Speed: 550

    ROF: 0.1 (10/s)
    Damage: 18-102
    Spread: 0.075
    Ammo: 100
    Slow self on spinning: 0.6 (-40% speed)(=330 speed)
    spinup time: 4/2/1sec
    spindown time: 1sec
    delay to initiate fire: 0.4/0.3/0.2sec
    Target Slow: 0.7 (-30%)(it slows others?)
    Slow duration: 3sec
    Reload Time: 5.8625
    Juice: 0.25
    Max Damage Range: 1024
    Max Damage Range Deployed: 2048
    Max Range: 2048
    Max Range Deployed: 2560
    Damage vs Turrets: 0.25 (25%)
    Damage vs Moneyball: 0.1 (10%)
    *Shot Spread: 0.02 (extra spread?)

    ROF: 0.05 (20/s)
    Damage: 18-68 (less damage!)
    Ammo: 150
    Reload time: 5.8625

    ROF: 1.5 (0.67/s)
    Spread: 0.025
    Ammo: 10
    Damage: 90
    Radius: 256
    *Radius Secondary: 384 (most likely means how much the mortars spread from eachother, i doubt they would actually have a larger radius then the main one)
    *Life: 20 (you can shoot down mortars?)
    Projectile Speed: 3500
    Damage vs Fixed: 5.0 (500%)
    Damage vs Fodder: 2.0 (200%)
    Damage vs Core: 0.22 (22%)
    Juice: 1
    Reloadtime: 2.83sec
    Damage vs Self: 0.25 (25%)
    Grapple Damage: 75
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 20 (2000%?)

    Skill Recovery: 4/5/6 (15/12/10sec?)
    Use: 60
    Impulse: 150000/200000/250000
    Damage: 150/200/275
    Radius: 512/768/1024
    Emp Duration: 3sec
    Damage vs Bots: 1.0 (100%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.22 (22%)
    Slow Multiplier: 0.5 (-50% speed)
    Slow Duration: 5sec
    Juice: 2
    Top Damage: 1500 (max damage threshold)

    Regen: 4/5/6 (15/12/10sec)
    Use: 60
    Damage: 50&100/50&250/50&550
    Damage vs Bots: 2000/3500/5000 damage
    Throw vs Heavy: 2500
    Throw vs Medium: 3000
    Throw vs Light: 3500

    Regen: 10 (6sec)
    Use: 60
    Crit Add: 0.2 (+20% max damage when critting) (stacks on other crits (gold crits = +25% damage, both = +45% damage when you crit)
    *Crit Chance A: 5
    *Crit Chance B: 2
    (maybe on lvl 2 it crits every 5 shots, and on lvl 3 it crits every 2 shots?, not sure)
    Damage Reduction: 0.75 (25% DR)
    Spread: 0.8 (reduces spread by 20%)

    -Tank, Health: 700, Speed: 500

    Flame: (for all flames btw, (assault bomb for example)
    Damage: 10
    Damage interval: 0.5 (2/s)
    Duration: 5sec
    Duration on Tank: 1sec
    Crit Duration: 1sec

    ROF: 0.1 (10/s)
    Damage: 30-55
    Ammo: 50
    Juice: 0.25
    Max Damage Range: 512
    Max Damage Range Deployed: 768
    Max Range: 1734
    Max Range when deployed: 2816 (can't really get this far tho, since due to falloff it doesnt do any damage here)
    Reload Time: 2.756sec
    Damage vs Bots: 2.0 (200%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 1.75 (175%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.18 (18%)
    Damage: 50-250
    Cost: 1(?)
    Damage vs Bots: 10 (1000%)
    Range: 1024
    Range deployed: 1536 (can you blossom while deployed? (need to test))
    ROF: 0.5 (2/s)

    ROF: 1.0 (1/s)
    Damage: 149
    Spread: 0.01
    Ammo: 10
    Juice: 0.3
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.27 (27%)
    Damage vs Bots: 5
    Reloadtime: 2.756sec
    Grapple Damage: 75
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 3000 damage
    Throw vs Heavy: 2000
    Throw vs Medium: 2500
    Throw vs Light: 3000

    Skill Recovery: 4/5/6 (15/12/10sec)
    Use: 60
    Damage: 100/150/150
    Radius: 256/384/256
    Juice: 1
    Stun Duration: 2sec
    Damage vs Turrets: 1 (100%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.167 (16.7%)
    Damage vs Bots: 4 (400%)

    Damage: 150/275/300
    Impulse: 75000/75000/75000
    Skill Recovery: 4/6/8 (15/10/7.5sec)
    Use: 60

    Skill Recovery: 10 (6sec)
    Use: 60
    Damage Reduction: 0.75 (25% DR)
    Health Delay: 0.5 (-50% time till regen)
    Health Duration: 0.5 (regen time needed to fill up -50%)
    *Ammo Reg(?): 1 (wtf? Ammo Regen? need to test)

    Regen Delay: 0.75 (-25% time till regen) (not sure which level)
    Health Bonus: 0/150/300
    Last edited: January 20, 2011
  6. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

    Likes Received:
    -Sniper, Health: 300, Speed: 650

    -Sniper Rifle
    ROF: 1.0 (1/s)
    Spread: 0.1
    Ammo: 4
    Zoomed Spread: 0.0
    Juice: 2
    Headshot: 5 (225*5=1125Damage, Tank can survive with passive 3 and either silver or gold armor?)
    Zoom Min damage: 225 (prolly simply means that zoomed in you do 225, noscope = 100)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.5 (50%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall Zoomed in: 0.25 (25%)
    Reloadtime: 2.5sec
    Zoom fov: 10
    Zoom mouse scale: 0.6

    Damage: 39
    ROF: 0.1 = 10/s
    Spread: 0.07
    Ammo: 10
    Juice: 0.25
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.25 (25%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 0.5 (50%)
    Damage vs Bots: 1.0 (100%)
    Max Damage Range: 1536
    Max Range: 3072
    Reload Time: 1.68sec
    ROF Grapple: 1 (1/sec)
    Grapple Damage: 150
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 3000 damage

    Damage: 25/50/75
    Skill Recovery: 3 (20sec)
    Radius: 256/512/768
    Use: 60
    Lifespan: 5sec
    Juice: 0.1
    Damage Interval: 0.25 (4/s)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.33 (33%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 3 (300%)
    Damage vs Players: 0.5 (50%)

    Skill Recovery: 3/2/2 (20/30/30sec)
    Use: 60/31/31
    Max: 1/2/3
    Duration: 0.5sec (duration of what?)
    Speed Multiplier: 0.5/0.0/0.0
    Detect Radius: 256
    Affect Radius: 640
    Skillregen: -1
    Skillregen Duration: 1sec
    Health: 25
    Fuse: 3sec (takes 3sec to arm?)
    Playerfreeze: 1.5
    Interval: 0.25 (4/s, probably how often in sec the code checks wether someone is in the area?)

    Skill Recovery: 4/5/6 (15/12/10sec)
    Use: 60
    Damage: 150/140/225
    Damage vs Bots: 2000/3500/5000 damage
    Throw vs Heavy: 2500
    Throw vs Medium: 3000
    Throw vs Light: 3500
    Grapple Damage vs JackBot: 2500 damage

    Explosive Damage: 100
    Explosive Radius: 256

    -Assasin, Health: 300, Speed: 650

    Clip (lvl2): 1.5 (ammo increases on lvl2 passive)

    Attack Duration: 0.25
    Lunge Duration: 0.7
    (lunge takes 0.7sec of which only 0.25sec damage can be done?)
    Speed: 3000
    Regen: 30 (=2s?)

    ROF: 0.5 (2/s)
    Damage: 50
    Lunge Damage: 134
    Damage vs Bots: 10 (1000%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.18 (18%)
    Juice: 1
    Backdamage Multiplier: 1.5 (+50%)
    Grapple ROF: 0.5 (2/s)
    Grapple Regen: 6 (=10sec?)
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 3000
    Grapple Damage vs JackBot: 2500
    Grapple Damage vs Players: 400
    Grapple Backdamage vs Players: 700

    Backdamage Multiplier: 1.5 (+50%)
    Juice: 1.5
    Damage vs Bots: 10 (1000%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.125 (12.5%)
    ROF: 0.5 (2/s)
    Damage: 75
    Lunge Damage: 167
    Grapple ROF: 0.5 (2/s)
    Grapple Regen: 6 (10sec)
    Grapple Damage vs Fodder: 5000
    Grapple Damage vs Boss: 3000
    Grapple Damage vs Players: 150 (goes down? why?)
    Grapple Backdamage vs Players: 1000

    Damage: 61
    Radius: 64
    ROF: 0.1 (10/s)
    Spread: 0.03
    Ammo: 10
    Juice: 0.5
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.164 (16.4%)
    ReloadTime: 1.6s
    Projectile Speed: 5000
    Lifespan: 2sec
    Crit Duration: 0.05
    Grapple Regen: 6 (10sec)
    Grapple Damage vs Bots: 3000
    Grapple Damage vs JackBot: 2500
    Grapple Damage vs Player: 100
    Grapple Backdamage vs Player: 175

    Skill Recovery: 3/4/5 (20/15/12sec)
    Use: 60
    Radius: 384/512/640
    Mech Duration: 4sec (mechanic duration?)
    Duration: 1sec
    Jump Height: 2.5 (250%)
    Jump Duration: 1sec (time you have to jump to get boost)
    AirControl: 4 (400%)
    AirControl Duration: 4sec
    Damage modifier: 0.5 (50% DR)
    Damage modifier duration: 1sec

    Skill Recovery: 2 (30sec)
    Drain: 6/5/4
    Use: 0
    TimeToCloak: 2/1/0.25
    Crit Duration: 0.5
    Crit Multiplier: 0.15 (+15% damage when you crit)
    Crit Chance: 100
    TimeToUncloak: 0.25
    Regen Stop: 1

    Skill Recovery: 10 (6sec)
    Consume: 20/15/5
    Full: 60

    FallDamage: 1.0/0.5/0.0
    Last edited: January 20, 2011
  7. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

    Likes Received:
    -Bots vs MoneyBall stats: (when they jump on and explode)
    Damage Radius: 384
    Damage vs Shield: 2.5 (250%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 1 (100%)

    -General Bot Stats:
    Health regen crossfire: 2
    Health delay crossfire: 4
    Health regen crossfire d: 14 (deployed?/default? or simply in overtime?)
    Health delay crossfire d: 13
    Heath d: 0.5
    ROF d: 1.4
    Speed: 700
    Damage vs Turrets: 15 (1500%)
    Damage vs Bots: 7.5 (750%)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.25 (25%) (when they shoot the moneyball)
    Juice: 2

    -Endurance: (Blitz)
    Speed Bonus: 0/50/100/150/200/250/300
    Armor: 1.0/1.1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25
    ROF: ???/???/0.75/0.5/0.4/0.3/0.25

    Speed Bonus: 0
    Armor: 0.75
    ROF: 3

    ROF: 0.5 (2/s)
    Damage: 7
    Spread: 0.01
    Health: 175
    Speed: 450
    Sight: 1280

    ROF: 2 (0.5/s)
    Damage: 250
    Radius: 256
    Spread: 0.04
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)
    Health: 750
    Speed: 150

    ROF: 0.75
    Damage: 25
    Damage Radius: 32
    Projectile Speed: 18000
    Melee Damage: 200
    Melee Force: 120000
    Spread: 0.02
    Damage vs Turrets: 1.5 (150%)
    Damage vs Bots: 4 (400%)
    Health: 2000
    Speed: 400
    Sight: 1280

    Damage: 125
    Radius: 128
    Health: 10
    Juice: 10
    Airspeed: 900
    Speed: 900
    Lifespan: 20sec
    Damage vs Turrets: 6 (600%)

    Damage: 150
    Health: 5000
    Juice: 5
    Speed: 650
    Grapple Damage: 275
    Grapple Regen: 5 (12sec?)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 2 (200%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)

    Damage: 150
    Health: 1000
    Speed: 450
    Juice: 5
    Skilldrain: 3
    Drain Radius: 768
    Sight: 1500

    Health: 200
    Speed: 750
    Damage: 50
    Juice 5
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 4 (400%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)

    ROF: 1
    Spread: 0.01
    Damage: 150
    Radius: 256
    Impulse: 75000
    Projectile Speed: 3000.0
    Health: 20000
    Speed: 300
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.5 (50%)
    Damage vs Bots: 10 (1000%)
    Damage vs Turrets: 4 (400%)
    Sight: 4096
    Slam Damage: 200
    Slam Radius: 1408
    Slam Impulse: 250000
    Slam Regen: 20
    Health Delay: 30
    Health Regen: 30


    recharge use: 1sec
    recharge die: 60sec (how long it stays disabled)
    recharge die FD: 15sec (fd?)

    build time slow: 4 (?)
    Damage vs MoneyBall: 0.5 (50%)

    ROF: 0.2 (5/s)
    Damage: 4/+1/+3 (=4/5/8)
    Juice: 3
    Health: 1500/3000/4500
    Regen Delay: 30sec
    Regen Time: 10sec
    Sight: 1408/1664/1920
    Damage vs Bots: 8 (800%)
    Damage to Kamikaze: 2 (200%)
    Damage to Cloak: 4 (400%)
    Build Time: 2/3/4sec

    ROF: 1/0.75/0.5
    Damage: 160
    Radius: 96
    Juice: 5
    Health: 5000/8000/13000
    Regen Delay: 30sec
    Regen Time: 10sec
    Sight: 1408/1664/1920
    Damage vs Bots: 3 (300%)
    Damage to Kamikaze: 3 (300%)
    Damage to Cloak: 8 (800%)
    BuildTime: 5/10/15sec
    Projectile Speed: 5000

    -Shave Ice
    ROF: 2.5/2.0/1.0
    Sight: 1408
    Health: 5000/10000/15000
    Slow Multiplier: 0.8/0.75/0.6 (-20%/-25%/-40% speed)
    Slow Duration: 1sec
    Regen Delay: 30sec
    Regen Time: 10sec
    BuildTime: def/5/8sec

    ROF: 4/2/1
    Sight: 3584/4096/4608
    Health: 1000/2000/4000
    Regen Delay: 30sec
    Regen Time: 10sec
    Projectile Speed: 2500
    Damage: 60
    Damage vs Turrets: 2 (200%)
    Damage vs Bots: 5 (500%)
    Juice: 5
    Radius: 256
    BuildTime: 3/5/10sec
    Last edited: January 20, 2011
  8. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

    Likes Received:
    Speed: 400
    Mass: 500
    Lifespan: 30sec
    Money per hit minimum: 1
    Money per hit maximim: 2
    Loot Interval: 2 (shots? seconds?)


    -Slow: (slow? any hazard that only slows people?)
    Duration: 10
    Recharge: 60
    Buff Duration: 3
    Buff Value: 0.25
    Aura Frequency: 1

    -Force (ejector?)
    Recharge: 30
    Damage: 2000
    Radius: 1536
    Momentum: 250000
    Damage vs Players: 0.15 (15%)(=300)
    Juice: 2

    -Super (annihilator)
    Recharge: 180
    Damage vs Players: 100 (flat damage rate)

    Recharge: 10
    Use: 2

    Vendor (juice? or possibly all vendors?)
    charge: 60

    Wall: (wtf? walls can be used? and have health?)
    Recharge: 120
    Health: 5000

    PitPoint Minimum use time: 1sec

    -Money Pickups:
    min: 5
    max: 10

    -Speed Pickups:
    Speed Bonus = 150
    Duration = 15sec

    Armor: 100/200/300 hp
    Crit Multiplier: 0.1/0.15/0.25 (10%/15%/25%)
    Crit Chance: 2%/3%/5%
    Health Regen: 0.8/0.7/0.6 (20%/30%/40%)
    Health Delay: 0.8/0.7/0.6 (20%/30%/40%)
    Juice: 10/15/25
    ROF: 0.9/0.8/0.7 (10%/20%/30%)
    Skill Recovery: 0.25/0.35/0.5 (25%/35%/50%)
    Speed: 25/50/100
    Spread: 0.8/0.65/0.5 (20%/35%/50%)
    Clipsize: 0.4/0.6/1 (40%/60%/100%)
    Reload Speed: 0.8/0.7/0.6 (20%/30%/40%)

    Health: 10000
    Shield Respawn: 30sec
    Shield Health: 1000
    Overtime Damage modifier: 1.25 (125%)
    Under Attack Cooldown: 5sec (how long it needs to be not fired upon to get the shield back up?)
    Money per hit minimum: 1
    Money per hit maximum: 1
    Damage to loot: 200

    Wave respawn: 5sec
    Game Duration: 900sec (can be set differently by host)
    Overtime Duration: 120 (can be set differently by host)
    Breaktime: 20
    Respawn Add: -1/0/1/-1/1 (wtf?)
    Blitz money modifier 4,3,2: 0.4/0.6/0.8 (think it means, that exhibition = 40% of normal money gained, next one 60%, last one 80%, and that sudden death, and super sudden death are 100% money gain)

    Damage Modifier: 0.33 (77% DR)
    Crit Multiplier Add: 3 (+300% crit modifier)
    Crit Chance Add: 100 (lol, people with critbuild or crit passive have >100% crits when juiced :p)
    ROF: 0.75 (25%)
    Light Speed Bonus: 150
    Medium Speed Bonus: 200
    Heavy Speed Bonus: 250 (heavys gain the most from being juiced, in terms of speed)
    Reload Time: 0.5 (50%)
    Health: +1000hp
    Last edited: January 14, 2011
  9. Providence

    Providence New Member

    Likes Received:
    Zoom fov: 10
    Zoom mouse scale: 0.6

    The sensitivity when zoomed is already very low at mouse scale 1.0, why must it be even lower? Please Uber, change it to 1.0 or make it customizable!

    Anyways, nice find Cranck, very useful info!
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Thanks CrancK, good stuff here!
  11. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

    Likes Received:
    I guess the cat is now out of the bag, eh?

    Couple of notes, because I'm a nice guy. ;)

    As you can see, there is a veritable ***-ton of numbers to balance this game. These aren't even all of them.

    Core == Moneyball. It was a "power core" for most of the development but didn't fit the world, so we searched for a better name and came up with "Moneyball"

    FD = Fodder Defense... early name for Blitz.

    Wall is a hazard that was cut, deprecated numbers in there.

    You take 1/3 damage while juiced and do 3x (+ other crit mods) while juiced.
    Damage Modifier is on the damage you take. The heal is simply the 1 shot heal you get as soon as you juice.

    Most grapple damage is straight-up damage. It's applied differently during a grapple so instead of using a damage modifier, we use a straight damage number.
    3000 vs bots is so that in later rounds of Super/Normal Sudden Death Blitz an alternate fire grapple won't kill bots but an upgraded skill grapple will.
    All alt fire grapples do 150 to other players, they are fairly weak. All except Assassin's who have it increased because it's their main for of assassination.

    When deployed, yes.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Soooo. That's what it took to get some of these numbers.
  13. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Any chance of the mouse zoom sensitivity scale to be player adjusted or at least identical to unzoomed sens?
  14. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

    Likes Received:
    ahh, yay, awnser :p

    that makes more sense about the juice and grapple damage ye.

    ehm, about the skill recovery, did i assume correctly that a full bar = 60?

    and about the juice amount, that a full bar = 100? (prolly drains at 10/s? or is it 60 and drains at 10/6?)

    also, the attack damage add for the assault crab, what is that for?

    and.... did i assume right about DMGFALLOF and DMGRNG? that DMGRNG = max range for which a gun does max damage, and that from there falloff starts which HAS to stop at DMGFALLOFF where it doesn't do damage anymore? (and that the falloff curve for the jetgun is so steep that it doesn't get all the way to the 1734 range?)

    i've got some more questions but i'll keep at this for now, gonna update my lists with your new info/explanations

    ohw damn, during updating grapples, i found the support grapple again, its got 75damage and 20 damage vs fodder ehm... still both just damage values, like the 150 and 3000?
  15. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Yes, It can be set to any number but I set all the full skill at 60 just so it makes timing easier.
    Yes. It comes out to being juiced for 10 seconds.
    Yes. It's the added damage to the target it's attached to.

    Correct all except the DMGFALLOFF is where it does the minimum damage, not 0. For example, the Gunner does 18 damage per bullet if he hits someone beyond the DMGFALLOFF range.
  16. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    All of these numbers are subject to change at any time.

    Some of these numbers are different than the Xbox version. Do NOT assume that what you see here is how it works in the Xbox version.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    I liked it better when I didn't know the numbers...
  18. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Don't look at them again. You won't remember all the numbers.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Oh yeah that's a good point. Although the Moneyball will forever be referred to as "The PowerCore," I will sometimes say after a Juiced Assassin destroyed our turrets "we could have used a wall there," I will tell other players Juice gives you 1000 hp and I will ask friends if they want to play some Fodder Defense.

    The rest I will forget.
  20. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Juice does give you 1000 hp.

    The walls didn't work like that. The worked like hazards where you press a button and they'd pop up in a pre-determined location. We had a lot of issues with them, particularly with the bots. With not enough time to polish it to the level we needed, we cut them.
    It was more of a Blitz thing anyway.

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