Okay so it seems Microsoft released a Halo game for PC. It's an f2p game with pay wall restrictions but here's the real kicker... RUSSIA ONLY? Alright well guess what, modders gotcha' covered. Here's a free Halo 3 on PC without ANY pay restrictions! First things first you'll need utorrent, bitorrent, or what have you. You'll need to get this: http://yourbittorrent.com/down/7639099.torrent Just extract the file into whatever folder. Next up after downloading all the files to wherever you'll need to get the custom launcher,https://github.com/FishPhd/DewritoUpdater/releases get Dewrito.json and DewritoUpdator.exe, afterwards just pop that into where you extracted the Halo Online files. Launch DewritoUpdator.exe and wait for it to verify files, afterwards click update. It should update, then you can press play. Press f11 to access the server browser. However with a bit of extra effort you'll probably want this too, it's a vastly improved main menu screen/server browser:https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/upbyg4wafy33hup7/artifacts/Eldewrito-Installer.exe Just pop that into your Halo path and unpack the files there. If you install the better menu continue to launch via DewritoUpdator.exe but just skip the verification process. (This is after you've updated it for the first time.) If you need any help just ask me, or watch this guys video: or visit the IRC chat here: http://irc.lc/snoonet/eldorito/ Have fun! =)
I hadn't heard of the whole thing until yesterday. Found the modder's version and am loving it. I disagree, they're actively updating it and adding new things. There are pretty big plans for the future.
I really fail to see why the base game is Russia-only. I mean they must KNOW there's some demand for a Halo PC game in the West, right? I mean Halo CE on PC STILL has pretty active servers and that's like 10 years old.
Is telling us how to get a free copy of Halo 3 even allowed by the forum rules? Naughty pony. I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster I'll never say those two words together again. It sounds so... wrong.
Does it count as piracy when the game is f2p? -w- I guess 343 is fed up with Russian piracy so they're making an f2p game like every other dev. (CS:Online, BF:Online, CoD:Online, etc...) except they're the only people actually region locking it. Microsoft left PC gaming with Halo when everyone pirated Hali 1 and 2 on pc... They've finally come back and guess what were still getting them! ;D
I guess this is what they call a grey area. I also heard that Halo wars 2 is coming to win 10. I'd imagine Microsoft are dipping there toe's to see if it's worth them investing more into win10 gaming, If we rip them to shreds (like we did last time) I guess they will not and that will be that. This is all pure speculation mind.... Edit: Would love to play some halo 3 on pc, but there's no way in hell I'm putting bitt torrent back on my pc....not after what happened last time.
Halo Wars two is coming to PC! I'm hyped. I can send you the files for Halo Online if you don't feel up for using bitorrent.
http://www.pcgamer.com/how-modders-are-cracking-halo-online-to-bring-halo-3-to-pc/ Apparently Halo Online has the entirety of Halo 3 within it.
Tis a shame I cant play online with this >-< If there was solo/offline support, ID get it no problem XD