I read a while back here there was some sort of draft tourney. Will anyone ever get another one put together and actually make it happen?
There's only 4 competitive teams at the moment, so no. If we can get 8 in total then Chron1cle said he'll try to get one started.
The last draft tourney failed bc the draft itself took entirely too long, and 16 teams was an extraordinary amount. A better way to do it is have whoever wants to, enter, 8 willing captains, party chat draft, all in 1 sitting like a fantasy football draft
Yeah. No offense to The Coug but the actual drafting part for the last one did take a bit too long. By the time teams were made players had already lost interest. If we are able to streamline the drafting process this time it might be able to work out.
This will not happen. Kckzi called it early on the last one, and the idea of even attempting it again is laughable. The end.
The real dividing factor is who really wants to and who only says they want to. If 100 people really want to do it and 100 people sign up, it can happen. If 100 people sign up and only 20-30 people really want to, then as Jack states, forget about it. Truth is there really arent enough organized and/or committed people in the MNC community to make anything more than the same mix of people playing each other over and over in privates ever happen. The only time it barely happened was the FN tournament, an outside source hosting and offering "prizes" (posters and t-shirts are enough to make people want to play!)
I can neither confirm nor deny the rumor that I will be attempting a second even more ambitious draft tourney in the near future.
We need about 48 people to make the 8 teams, and maybe 10 more for subs. If we can get at least 50 people who would like to do it then I think it would work.
I would be happy to run it, I'm certain there'd be some interest. I will willingly withhold my disbelief it'd happen.
Running it and gathering players wasn't the problem. Getting those players to actually play was the problem.
I was in your team, and I turned up + gave advance warning of my abscence, yes? I reckon we just need to make some kind of system of availability or no. And maybe a lower limit on post count so we don't get one/two posters, who pop in on the tourney and never turn up.
Shall we start trying to find people who want to be in said tourney? 'Cos if we leave it too late there may not be enough people.
*Unrelated* -Wildman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZBbtk47vZw&feature=player_embedded -Chron1cle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjDWyeuQldU&feature=fvwp&NR=1 -Team Armarda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqphKlMv92A&feature=related
Hahahhahahahajajajajajsjhaahajajajhahhahahahhahahajahahahahahgahahahahahahajhahahshahahahahajhahahahajahajahhhaahahhahahahahahahahajajjajajajhaha I only watched the armada one and that was Fu*kin funny. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And were supposed to black not mexicans that think they're black