A Modest Request (Attn Devs: Sniper Change Wishlist)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by PohTayToez, December 1, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    There's a couple of minor things with the sniper that I would like to be changed, and I don't think that anyone would disagree.

    One is improved hit detection. There have been plenty of times that I have had my crosshair directly on someone that isn't moving and the shot has not connected. While sometimes this might be a lag related issue, that clearly is not always the case. I know there have been times where a target was standing still and I shot a side or upper part of the head with no result, the readjusted my aim to the very center of their head and got the kill. Also, sometimes the shot is stopped by something it should not be. This is easy to tell, because you might see your shot impact on a wall, even though you're aiming to the side or above the wall. I see this most often when shooting over the short glass walls that you'll find on upper levels of any map. I seem to have the most trouble with this on GrenADEIII, but that's probably just because I favor the upper level there.

    The other request is to have a different kill feed icon for someone being killed by being hit directly by an explosive round. Many people do not realize that once you upgrade to passive 3, any kill with the sniper rifle (aside from a headshot) shows the explosive round icon. I would like it if it would still show the sniper rifle icon when someone was killed by the bullet itself and not the explosion. The reasoning behind this is that I believe it would greatly reduce the amount of complaints associated with explosive rounds, as well as giving the sniper a bit more credit when a direct shot is made. There have been plenty of times I've been playing against people that I'm in party chat with, only to here them complain about the unfairness of explosive rounds when I'm shooting them directly. To be fair, unless you see the trail, there isn't really any way that I know of to tell if you got killed by the bullet itself or the explosion.

    Last edited: December 5, 2010
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I didn't see a bad point or something that I disagree with.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    No. Snipers are already overpowered. Both suggestions, especially the second one, will make them game-breaking.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    your... your kidding right...

    i hope your kidding...

    i actually dislike snipers cheap tactics quite a bit, but those are both "unintended glitches" as far as i know of. i dont think the devs meant for people not being able to tell if they got hit with explosive rounds or the actual bullet, or for the bullets to hit something on the way to the center of your scope

    the wall-hitting thing i think is caused by the sniper bullet traveling from the gun to the center of the scope. if your gun is blocked by something, but the scope shows you hitting something, the bullet will hit whatever its blocking your gun. C&C renegade fixed this by making the bullet leave from the exact center of the scope when scoped. so to fix this, whenever a sniper is scoped, move the point where his bullet appears at to the center of his screen.

    actual hit detection tho, is great. i know what they did. they made the hit detection client side. if YOUR screen shows you hitting a target, then within reason it will do damage to the target, even if the damage is delayed. before, if you shot and it showed as hitting, but they moved, then the damage just didnt happen. ill take a delay over that any day of the week.

    i just hope that nobody figures out a way to send packets through the game, making them damage an opponent from across the map while they sit in their spawn, killing the same guy telekenetically 20 times in a row. id lol, but as fun as hacking is, cheating with hacks isnt funny at all... :(
  5. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Myself, being an avid Sniper, agree with this. Especially the first one. That has happened to me a lot. Especially with Supports recently. Second one, don't really care about it. I don't upgrade to explosive rounds 95% of the time because I feel it takes some of the skill out of being a good sniper. But that's just me, I'm sure.
  6. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Reasonable requests for changes to a sniper that aren't nerfs? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?

    But no seriously, there's no reason not to implement these suggestions.
  7. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I hate most snipers with a passion, and even I have to agree with these changes, as I have noticed them myself the few times I play sniper. These seem perfectly reasonable and non-game-breaking.
  8. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    These are great ideas. I'm sick of people bitching and moaning about the Sniper whenever I kill somebody, and I'm sure all the other Snipers are too. Also hit detection improvement would be amazing, to many times I would headshot a Gunner and nothing would happen, and I know it's not lag because I'm only in the scope for half a second, and since I play like that if a game was lagging then the scope would be going in and out.
  9. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Well, not necessarily. Lag makes things unpredictable. I believe it'd also depend on what exactly causes the lag as well; in my experience there's no no guarantee any particular thing will occur with lag at all.
  10. yurf

    yurf New Member

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    I don't really believe the first update is necessary in any way. A headshot should be difficult to pull off, it's almost an instant K.O. unless you hit a lev. 3 health tank with 3 armor, and maybe the same with the gunner. Regardless, it's 99% of the time an instant kill. The headshots are difficult to pull of for that exact reason, and no, i'm not saying the sniper is over powered or trying to be a troll, i'm just saying that I don't really think it's necessary, there's plenty of people out there who play snipers and go +30, making 5k+ a round.

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