I have noticed that the A.I. has varied intelligence: Sometimes, they "surround themselves" by building extractors and energy-plants around the commander, therefore trapping him, and then they are unable to build any factories, and there fore a boring, unit-less game. Other times, they somehow build everything REALLY quickly, and get nukes about 1/2 an hour before I would of been able to, and therefore have an easy win. Once, I saw a glitch: the enemy managed to build a swarm of units; they became about 100 strong, then attacked, and I lost. Also, do A.I. spawn in the drop zones that humans can choose?
Each team gets their own spawn zones. AI can build faster than humans can because they're incredibly efficient as far as sending out building orders. And yes, sometimes they're very dumb and trap themselves.
Thank you. If there were multiple A.I., would they attack each other? If there were a large number of A.I./ humans, would they spawn on different planets? (Sorry for irrelevant question).