a general approach to balancing

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by ohnimus, March 3, 2014.

  1. ohnimus

    ohnimus New Member

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    4-Way Balancing: Production/Upkeep/Strategic/Statistic
    - Have Upkeep/Shooting/HP Values linked to production cost...
    1: HP = LOG2( Metal ) * Sea/Ground/Air/Oribital-Modifier
    1: Energy = ( 2^DPS * Strategic-Value + Strategic-Value + HP ) * Sea/Ground/Air/Oribital-Modifier
    2: Upkeep/Shooting = SQRT( Energy ) * WeaponType( Vector: Metal, Energy )
    - 3: Strategic-Value is a modifier linked to radar, transport, special abilities
    3: Wepaon-Type: want Durable/Crushing take Artillery, Light/Piercing take Lasers Light/Blowing take Rockets, Medium/Burning take Plasma
    - 4: Use Battle statistic (what killed what) in Energy, Metal and Production cost to gradually set the modifiers - set an epsilon around the current and wanted values to easily find and wake up when balancing is needed.
    - Sidenote: ur allready having units in multple states - lets take the orbital transporter for ex. ) It is quite normal it gets killed by Airplanes and AA in low mode but lets take the old SolarPanel in opened state - if it gets killed too much in that one maybe it should close much earlier...
  2. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: March 3, 2014
    ohnimus likes this.

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