So several minutes ago I was thinking about MNC and eventually had my imagination wonder off....excuse my poor writing skills........ I was imagining a slightly realistic video where the Assault was sliding on a street, with a dark rainy atmosphere, into cover. Peeks around the corner and scopes out the area and waves his arm as if giving a command to others. Shortly after the rest of the gang creeps out of an alley way and speeds forward. As all of them speed forward through the rain the camera focuses on an alley way they had passed. At first it appears to be dark and empty of live; only to have several round lights appear along with the sound of a robot turning on. As the MNC gang run while looking around they soon turn the corner into another alley way. Suddenly lasers start flying in their direction. Quickly they reacted by dodging out of they narrow space. As the duck into cover they come to realize they are surrounded, but still with enough space between them and the bots to retaliate. With quick thinking the Sniper pats the Gunner's back and points upwards. The Gunner nods and grabs the Sniper to then throw him up. He grabs onto the ledge and prepares to start doing his job. The Assassin goes into cloak mode and fades away into the shadows. The Assault begins covering the Tank as he launches a grenade into the alley to then have a bright explosion showing the many bots, along with a Jackbot behind all of them. Just as the lights begin to dim the bots out of sight, the Assassin is seen assassinating the large Jackbot. Vigorously the team fights their way through the bots, in and out of cover, working as a team, grazing death's grasp. Suddenly the Sniper yells out and points down the street. There the camera shows the team look in the same direction as they then see a shiny object slightly bobbing up and down in the air, inside of a building window. The Tank bumps the Assault. They work together and attach the Assault bomb onto his grenade. The grenade is then launched to make a giant explosion. The camera focus's on the smoke as the Support dashes through shotgunning through making a path. They come closer to the building to have the Tank charge through the door, along with obliterating everything around him. The team charges in and you then see the Assassing waiting for all of them there as she swings here dagger while holding the hand sized money ball. Instantly the bots power down, the rain stops, and lights turn bright everywhere. "HI-YO! It appears the Hotshots have survived another round and will go on to the Semi-finals! Hopefully the Green-Machines can keep up with this pace because they have fallen into the 4th place!" Yeah I know its crappy writing but I tried writing down what I had imagined in my head =P Anyways as you can see it is like a L4D mix with MNC. Which I thought was pretty funny. I think it would be kind of cool if a video was made for such a thing. Not an actual game of course but the video would be pretty entertaining.