A few thoughts

Discussion in 'Support!' started by stuartpierce, October 1, 2013.

  1. stuartpierce

    stuartpierce New Member

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    Ok, I'm definitely not the PA expert, but here is a little feedback.
    Overall, I'm very pleased with the beta. Performance has not been bad for me.
    The different factory buildings currently look very similar. Placeholder graphics? In TA it was much easier to distinguish between factories.
    When I hold down the shift key, all of the orders/paths are equally prominent, which looks very busy. I wish the pathing for the selected unit was prominent, and the other paths much less so. In one game, the orders/pathing for my air factory got stuck "on", so even though I wasn't holding shift and had no units selected, the path was still glowing. I definitely miss being able to move the waypoints for an existing path. This is huge for me.
    I understand there will always be pathfinding limitations, but units are actually coming to a complete stop when they hit an obstacle and not completing a simple movement command.
    I've noticed slightly damaged stationary units at my base, and even though my commander and a fabricator were on a close patrol route near the units, they were never repaired. Other times they do repair, so I'm not sure why this is failing. I can manually repair the units.
    When I select a unit, I'd like to see how many kills it has achieved. I definitely hope veterancy in some form returns.
    When I select units to build, I wish it would show energy costs, in addition to metal costs.
    In TA, each factory added +100 to metal and energy storage. It's not critical, but I always thought that was a nice touch.
    Instead of reclaiming a wrecked unit, like a metal extractor, and then rebuilding over it, maybe I could just build a new extractor over the wreck and get some kind of reduced cost to build?
    I'd like to see the ability to capture units return, even if it's just by the Commander, or a specialized unit.
    Will there be air repair pads? I liked these as they reduced micromanagement when I had many planes in the air. I always thought it would be cool to be able to toggle a repair pad as shared/not shared with allies.
    I assume the score screen is just a placeholder at present. Everything is 0 at the end my games. There isn't much information about the other players. My first game, I wasn't positive if I was playing against bots or other players, because the screen just didn't tell me much.
    I really hope there will be a way to select all units identical to the currently selected unit.
    I didn't find that the center view on Commander worked as I wanted. I'd like some way to quickly go to the commander and zoom in on it. It only seemed to work if I was already zoomed in and on the right planet.
    I'm not 100% loving the retro-style graphics. It's not a game-breaker -- just my own opinion.
    Thanks for listening, and thanks for bringing back the RTS action that I love.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  2. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    You have some interesting ideas there. I personally like the graphics, but that's just me. The factories probably won't change much but the UI and pathfinding is a work in progress so it will get better. It would be nice to have built in storage in the extractors and power plants, but it would have to be balanced right. Actually, they may add that later as balance and units are also very much a work in progress.
  3. hahapants

    hahapants Active Member

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    Most of what you've listed here is a known work in progress and will get better. Remember you're in a beta that was released less than a week ago.

    +1 air repair pads, though it may be out of the scope of this game. I imagine they're hard to program.

    @LavaSnake I like the graphics style as well
    Last edited: October 2, 2013
    LavaSnake likes this.

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