There are a few changes that I'd personally like to see in the game which would help me to both play and enjoy it better: Metal points can still spawn too close together to allow a metal extractor to be built on each. This is so trivial to fix I'm surprised it's still in the game. Fix up! Implement a modifier key shortcut to select all units (or buildings) of a type when single-clicked on. Double-clicking to achieve this is a bit of a pain, especially when units are moving about and the camera's quite far away. I know about CTRL-z, but I think you already need to have a unit selected to be able to use this. (As somebody who's recently had a bunch of K-wires removed from his thumb, this would be a very welcome double-clicking skills are a bit weak atm). Give an indication of which buildings are blocking the placement of a Catalyst. Please. I will buy you a delicious cake if you implement this. Similar to the above, give a visual indication if the placement of a building will block a metal point which does not yet have an extractor built on it. (Perhaps even show if placing a building or metal extractor would block a Catalyst). Keyboard shortcuts to remove|add queued order items. If you queue up a bunch of orders for a unit, currently you can either let the unit complete them, or effectively remove the whole queue (the remaining queue) and start over. Let's say you've built up a bunch of queued orders for the commander at the start of a game. You realise that the final order is wrong and needs changing. Pressing a 'remove' shortcut key (perhaps something like '<') would remove the final item from the queue, pressing < subsequently would remove further items. > would reinstate removed orders. Adding new orders effectively gives the order queue a new tail, as at present. On a final note, the game crashes for me 50%+ of the time when entering into the New System screen. This is by far the most obvious and repeatable bug I've seen in the game. It's not that big a deal really as the game takes but a second to reload, but it does need to be fixed.
Rebind select all untis of type to spacebar. then slap your injured hand against it after box selecting a unit.
I wonder if it's possible to bind a keyboard face-roll... Part of the problem tbh is my mouse, I really like it for its ergonomics (it's a CM Storm Xornet), but the left button micro-switch seems to operate on some kind of fuzzy logic pattern.