A DLC discussion. Wait for it.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, April 20, 2011.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    It's sad at how so many people are wanting the DLC on 360 right now today and are not willing to wait! It's only been a few months! It goes to show how impatient people are. I for one am keeping hope that the DLC comes out , but I'm willing to wait for it. Seriouslly people look at Uber they are not a gigantic company like Bungie or Activision , also Monday Night Combat is not a huge title like Call of Duty so of course Microsoft wont give them top prioritity, also look how long it took the Spunky Cola DLC to get through Microsofts clreaence system , even if Uber put it in today it would probaly still be months before it came out. Lastly look at the 360 leaderboards. A company who gave up on a game would not delete the hackers off to keep the legit players score there. If you get tired of the game leave for a bit and come back when the DLC is out. Thats probaly what I'm going to do.

    Please keep this topic from getting locked. No trolling please.
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    ...Okay. Thanks for the opinion.
  3. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    DLC KD GP Mama MIA meatballs!
  4. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Arctic lol
  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Hey Arctic,
    I noticed you said that you were recruiting. I play a pretty good support. I play with WildmanX2K fairly often. I can also play sniper and tank, but support and gunner are my main classes.

    As far my support skills go, I am pretty diverse in my play style. I can turtle pretty easily, but I can also play extremely offensively. I can balance pretty easily between healing team mates and juicing on the enemy. I usually don't die too much unless I am fighting REALLY good players, but I play to win and not for K/D. While my K/D is rather low (1.8??? at the moment), I have no problem with sacrificing to win the game.

    For my credibility as support, you might want to take a look at my guides or talk to jacktrips. My guides go into detail about how I can play. I don't follow them all the time, but they are still a "guide line" for me. JackTrips (I don't know if he still remembers this or not) was surprised by my airstrike kills. I can ground zero people like you wouldn't believe. I also have several good airstrike locations that I use to clear the way for my team mates to push foreward.

    Gunner is my second class. While I can hold my own against decent competition, I am not that great of a gunner imo. Wildman, Tom#'s, and ChaosFF7 rip me apart every time we play, and assaults usually give me a hard time, but against most average gunners. I can claw fairly well, and I enjoy playing gunner, but Wildman is much better than I am.

    I have never played competitively, but I am ranked around 700 at the moment. I don't consider myself to be amazing, but I can definitely play against good competition.
  6. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Spunky released December 1st of last year. It's been almost 5 months. What is a quarter in terms of Microsoft allowing a company to release DLC. Because, as I understand 1 DLC can be released per quarter. 1 DLC per 4 months. That's a long *** time to wait.
  7. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Thinking about the DLC makes me unable to wait for all the hate threads about the new DLC once it comes out. I'll bet day 1 of the DLC will yield at least 12 "OMG NEW DLC SUXORZ" threads. And that's a conservative number. DLC or not, I guess I just havent played to the point where I'm completely bored with the current content. There's always new things to try and learn and get better at.
  8. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    If people are getting bored with the game, they need to play better competition or try a new class. I find it pretty sad that in most public games there is a lack of good players. I play gunner sometimes, and when I do, it is almost like I am untouchable. I repeatedly have games of 22-1, 48-3, 25-4, and etc. It is really frustrating for me because I never get to play good players, and when I do, I don't get to fight them for very long. I can only improve vs. pubs because there are no good people that I can fight against repeatedly to get better.
  9. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    We only play privates now. We figured new players got the game when it was 50% off so they get a feel for the game we don't wont them to quit.
  10. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Maybe perhaps when Funland comes out on Steam, Uber will hold off on updating the PC version for a while and start working on the Xbox update?
  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    1: not worth a topic.


    3: this game is on the way out. brink will probably have me on this game 3-5 times a mont at most.
  12. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    It doesn't really matter for me unless they make dedicated servers.
    But sure, I know they won't make it and I don't blame them.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I am pissed they still haven't released DLC for Gunstar Heroes yet. What bogus crap is that. They could add another weapon, more levels, continued storyline, anything. I mean, it is a big company right? Doesn't every game need DLC for anyone to continue playing it?

    And yes, I was referencing a 1991 game. Seriously, everyone wake up, realize DLC is not mandatory, and go on with your lives.

    In the long run, people will:
    ~Go play Brink anyway.
    ~Go play Brink, realize it isn't as good, and come back here anyway.
    ~Get this game for PC.
    ~Take a break from this game with some time-consuming thing until they feel like MNC again. I recommend Portal 2, Castlevania HD, or Full House Poker (with Mickey Cantor's Voice as the announcer).
  14. Black Jack Davy

    Black Jack Davy New Member

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    The issue is that DLC's are being released for the pc side of things, that is what's creating the expectation level in people's minds. But you are right, we aren't entitled to anything. We paid our money for a good game and got way more than $15 worth. The pc updates make it harder to manage my expectations, but I try to accept reality as it is.
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I do hope the DLC comes to the XBox though.

    Btw, nice avatar (when it is cropped like that) lol.
  16. Black Jack Davy

    Black Jack Davy New Member

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    LOL thanks, I was wondering if anyone would notice that. Here is another mnc-inspired image I discovered online which I think is actually allowable on this site...

  17. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    imma wait for it. but i have the PC version, but am currently unable to play it due to a shitty graphics card. i has a new computer on the way though :3
  18. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    :3 is like the gayest smiley ever for a dude.
  19. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Not me, I got MNC for free. Dohohohoho. Two days before it actually came out. Dohohohoho.
  20. sohei kuma

    sohei kuma New Member

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    The problem is that, while we wait patiently, the game is dying. The PC version is getting tons of updates, fixes, and DLC while the Xbox version is just... languidly lying there, gasping for breath. It is hard to get a full room these days and most people have just moved on to new games. I'm perfectly happy playing the same 4 maps over and over again, but not everyone shares that view. In order to keep the game alive and active, Uber is going to have show some support for it and release new content. That will draw back in some players and keep the game going.

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