Today I got my 1st All Time Great! With no juice! With tank <3 I had just came off juice with a triple so I knew they'd be spawning. I flew up the lift to the spawn. The other 3 must have been dead or sitting in spawn for a while, because all of a sudden 3 assassins came out the front door and one Level 3 charge/spin was enough to clean them up. The others followed, I think a sniper and 2 gunners, and a nice placed product grenade and Jetgun finished it. Very pleased. Also I finally got the over 9000 reel legit. It was really close, I think I got like 9,100 earnings after but I got it! I got it as the assassin, surprising really seeing as I rarely play her, and the other team was just oh so bad. Noob gunners who didn't have armour on, just asking to be back stabbed and plenty of bot spawn camping. Very good mood!
I almost had it, but an Assault's Charge 3 slowed me down enough that I couldn't achieve it. He was at a sliver of health by that time! It was ever so close! I'm mad upset after that.