A couple things I'd like to see in PA

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xankar, August 19, 2015.

  1. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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    These things are fairly trivial although they are things I would certainly appreciate having when playing the game.

    1. Have an option to show the unit attack range when you select a unit or cluster of units (much like how supcom had whenever you selected units it would have a red circle indicating how far it could shoot) This would be a helpful since I often find myself holding ctrl to see to see the unit attack range which interferes due to ctrl + click move.

    2. Orbital platforms (such as the sxx and orbital titan) don't need to turn to be able to move in a certain direction. I don't see why they have to turn to be able to move in a certain direction as there are no visible thrusters on them. It looks derp and affects the gameplay as valuable time is wasted when they have to turn, especially when they're trying to run from an umbrella. .
    warrenkc and stuart98 like this.
  2. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Nice. I hope we can give units to teammates too. I'd like that feature.

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