I usually only heal assassins when they are injured, uncloaked or obviously behind cover. I rarely heal a cloaked assassin. I assume they know something I don't or they are observing the field and don't necessarily want to be lit up. Do you just want to be ignored all together if you are cloaked? What is your initial reaction when you're jogging across G3, cloaked and a Support starts overhealing you out in the open?
YES...a support who knows you NEVER heal a cloaked assassin...thank you. Cloak, stalk your prey... about to pounce...AHHHHHH!!!!! GET THAT MOTHERFUCKERS BEAM OFF ME!!!!!
1. Choose support at start of match 2. Make sure your endorsment set up is Speed/Armour/Rate 3. Follow your team's assassin as much as you can :mrgreen:
Two explosive rounds later... no, keep that beam the hell away from me. If I want healing I'll ask for it: I run regenegreat for a reason Edit: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If I'm deep in my own territory or base I don't really give a **** if a support gives me a little bit of extra health. If I'm in the open I don't freak out, I just quickly find some cover is all.
I heal assassins on my team the moment they leave the spawn room so if they do encounter another assassin they should survive the grapple at the time. The more of your team being over healed means their greater chance of survival. If they are cloaking and running around then i dont bother but if they come to me then i heal them.
is it true that you can grapple someone and cloak again? like in the pre patch? ive seen people do it
I've seen it too. I've noticed one guy in particular (can't remember the GT) who was cloaked shirukening, cloaked grappling, and bot clearing with a katana while cloaked. I thought you could grapple and shiruken cloaked, but that was the first time I ever saw one using a katana while cloaked. Didnt save his *** from the ejector tho. For someone who knew all the tricks, he wasn't very smart.
i didnt even know that healing a cloaked assassin lights them up until now :shock: i owe many assassins a lot of space
It is probably better to not do it, but if you see they are going to die, you can make crack decisions. I don't play support personally, but I do play assassin, and some "cloak heals" have saved my life before.