So I wasn't going to post this, but after having in happen again tonight, I had to say something. Four times in the past week I have joined a lobby and noticed that there was another 99 in the room(nothing strange there i just notice the 99's to see if I recognize the name). After the game is over I notice the 99 has no kills, no assists, no deaths, and just the $350 you start with. So I stuck around for a few games and the same thing after each one. So, I assume 1. he had host. 2. he was using this exploit to climb the leaderboards without playing. This happened in 4 separate rooms with 3 different 99's. I'm not going to mention names unless a mod asks but I have seen 1 of them post here and another one post on the xbox forums. I guess the point of the thread is to see if anyone else has run into this. I know its not a huge exploit but it is mucking up the leaderboards. IMHO
Earlier I was playing with my friend and he was making a pizza for a couple games, so he would touch his controller every once in a while to not get kicked.
Ya I sat a few matches out earlier as host while I ate, but since I was playing with a team it's not a big deal as they did not mind. I think hes talking about players who just leave their xbox on all day/night long and never play simply to climb the leaderboards. Pretty sure this was talked about in another thread somewhere.
There are several that do this and its irritating. I refuse to play in their matches; if I come across one I leave. Same people every time. I started a thread about this awhile back and got a few shrugged shoulders so I'm not sure if anything is going to be done about this or not.
I don't understand how guys can do this successfully, but the tank and gunner can get kicked for being 'idle' when deployed...
The difference they picked a class. The players who just stand there during a match are the one who get kicked. If you don't pick a class at all you will not get kicked and you will earn money.
Yah until the devs fix it I report the player names to the devs. Since they've been quite good about going after cheaters I hope they are getting them. I reported 1 guy doing it late last week. Haven't seen him online since. Has anyone else seen GT: PowerWeapoN ? If he hasn't been seen the last 4-5 days then chances are he got nailed and we can report others that do this. Sucks being on that hosts team as a 5 on 6 every match.
I was trying to remember the name of that guy. He was doing this last week when I played a few matches. :evil: I wouldn't mind if I had a team of 5 communicative/cooperative players and 1 non playing good host. But 5 Randoms + 1 non playing host is a recipe for failure. Which is why I quit after the third loss in a row.