
Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by GeorgeTheGreat, June 12, 2018.

  1. GeorgeTheGreat

    GeorgeTheGreat New Member

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    maby after this is over and if the game is fixed we can make legion for galactic war and maby have some factions reskins? we will pay for the reskins... hell we would be more then willing to pay for factions but reskins are ok :'''''''''((((
  2. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

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    I think I won't pay for factions, because there would be always discussions wheter the faction is too strong or too weak. But yes, i would pay for reskin, if you mean better textures. Once i tried to texture units, but i failed. Its too hard by only using painting program...
  3. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    And here's me not wanting a reskin for multiple reasons. Would mean higher res textures which would mean more performance loss as well. Would also make it harder for modders to add content. Bring on a new faction any day, imo having one faction has grown stale.
  4. acesoyster

    acesoyster Active Member

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    Oh no, my balance worms have gone everywhere! I opened the can and now they’re all over the floor!

    On a serious note, I don’t personally think MLA’s design particularly leaves holes for another faction to fill. Elements of MLA would, if excluded, make for great faction perks. Perhaps you take out the inferno so that another faction can have dominance in vehicle survivability, or remove the spark so that another faction gets early splash units.

    (Slight legion criticism incoming) As it sits currently, I think Legion really shows this flaw, as it is often forced to add unusual mechanics to be different. Things like the purger alt-fire and the tank that launches timed mines become almost spectacle creep because MLA already does all the basics. A good example of a Legion unit not doing this is the directional air fighter (scythe?).

    I could maybe imagine getting one faction by finely dripping in some T2 MLA features into a faction’s T1 (like a T1 gunship instead of a bomber), but any more than that would be a daunting task. A faction would ideally be defined not by its gimmick, but by the area’s it performs slightly better in. I personally think fewer than 3 factions is a bit weird, and would rather just have 1.

    All the above is opinion, very willing for someone to tell me why I’m wrong.
    nimzodragonlord and lulamae like this.
  5. okeanos

    okeanos New Member

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    Thanks for picking a nice and informing title for your forum thread
  6. acesoyster

    acesoyster Active Member

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    I would actually be interested to see anyone’s attempt to cut small bits out of MLA to factionize the game. I see no reason that every unit needs to be massively different, just some units slightly different. I have played RTS games before that have used this idea and it seems to make enough variation to make the early game diverse without flipping the balance. You could then probably afford to be a bit more exotic with your expensive T2 and Titan units. Maybe a thing I’ll write something down about properly when less busy.
  7. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    This sounds like a soloution that is been done in AoE, where everyone has the same basic units. and the factions are different because they are missing some units or upgrades.
    I'm not sure if this can work with Pa but it could have some interesting effects.
  8. acesoyster

    acesoyster Active Member

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    I was playing Northgard a little while ago that does something similar, in which a few small variations in perks result in dramatically different play-styles. Given that PA is far more unit orientated, it would need to be a slightly different take, but I can certainly think of a number of ways to create marginal differences. The challenge is working out how those margins interact.
  9. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    The thing with northguard offcourse is that there are multiple winning conditions which you really should go for as a specific faction. this is something that is not a available in PA. you can do what AoE does and give factions a specific boosts for units damage/health/excluding units eco wise would be more daring. 1 could trade of eco income against cost or build speed. or tinker with starting resources. but this is where balance becomes hard.
  10. acesoyster

    acesoyster Active Member

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    I was thinking even smaller things that that. Perks like only one faction’s dox being able to target air, or one faction’s ants using front loaded ammo. Like the only target forward limitation of the Scythe mentioned above. Certainly takes some work to come up with a reasonable list, and even more to consider those interactions, but keeps the game simple to newer players while still holding the potential to add depth. One can be a lot smarter than relying on changing raw stats.

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