Hi, I just tried out Supersampling in the options, and whilst everything looks nicer I have noticed that the fog of war effect is different per zoom level, which isn't right. Also if you select a radar and rotate the planet the radar range doesn't rotate properly - ends up 'inside' the planet. Presumably this is because you're using the non-supersampled co-ordinates in the engine..? I'm happy enough back at 100%, but I thought I'd log this here as I didn't see anything come up when I searched for 'Supersample' on the forum. -- For what its worth at max supersample rate I was still getting 60FPS (early game), so thats nice.
I was unable to reproduce. Could your post your DxDiag.txt and give specifics on your graphics settings? A few screenshots of what your speaking of would be a great help as well. Thanks!
A couple of quick screenshots to illustrate the issue: Note how the radar coverage overlay appears to clip through the planet with supersampling turned on. DxDiag attached so you can see driver versions etc.
It's fine, your post here appear before it's was posted on bugtracker. Originally I just didn't reproduced it and didn't answer.