Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the latest patch. First of all, awesome, it runs super smooth for me, but unfortunately not for a friend of mine. When he is joining or hosting a game now, the game is loading, then his PC freezes up, he goes offline. Only like the 5th attempt worked for us... or he was only able to play the AI alone. PA worked ok for him before (performance issues late game) but now he cannot play at all. Since the game is way smoother for me with the new build, my question is, what has changed? Is the game in need of more bandwidth than before? That is the only thing he does not have a lot of... (he lives in Australia). Is that why Skype and Steam cuts out, for example? His system should be good enough, Q9550, Win7-64bit, 8GB Ram, Nvidia Videocard... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
With this latest build, you need to be absolutely sure that the graphics driver is fully updated. Problems with the game loading are almost always related to outdated drivers.
Thanks Captain, but this was the first thing we did and checked yesterday... guess I will have to check personally via Teamviewer today...
I also noticed you said he goes offline entirely. There really shouldn't be any reason for PA to kick his internet connection offline... My PS3 used to have an issue where it would kill my router whenever it tried to connect to wifi. I wonder if he should update his router firmware and network drivers.
My guess is, that his whole PC freezes thus he is losing skype and steam connection, since the whole computer is lagging badly. It is so weird, his PC is actually ok, quadcore, enough ram and mediocre nvidia card... well... I will check with him later on this problem. I just hoped someone else is experiencing the same problem.
Yes, it was the video driver... although he did install it yesterday, it did not install properly. Now the game is running like crazy, even for him! Super performance boost!