1. Where did the community go? Im having difficulty getting ONE DANG PLAYER to join me - and the online theres only like 4 custom games going on. 2. Why is it that sometimes when I adjust the mass of a celestial object in the level editor, it always seems to reset if theres an object orbiting it/its orbiting an object? (it gets annoying) 3. How do I get mods? I want so many that i've seen but can't figure out how to download them - These include colored commander death-splosions (i wont be giving the exact name, btw), 32 players/colors, and several others. 4. How can I make this game stop being a lagfest? (every other second the game stops responding or has a lag-spike) If this helps, I am using the default game with no mods/addons or anything - Not even Titans.
1. I played quite a few games today and had little trouble finding games. I think it depends on the time of day mainly. Though you posting this now, probably means that you couldn't find anybody just now. Which is weird, because I just game back from a FFA with six players. 2. Don't know about that. 3. You usually get mods through PAMM, though some of the mods you talk about are very specific for setting up your own dedicated server, i.e. the 32 players/colours. Is that what you are looking to do? 4. That may be tricky to solve. It depends on your hardware and such so we would need more details. I'm running PA on a laptop under Linux and it's pretty smooth for me, so it should be possible. See here for the steps you can take: https://wiki.palobby.com/
@DeathByDenim Thanks, Im running PA under a 2 year old alienware gaming computer laptop - It costed about 2000 dollars when we bought it, So its still pretty average. Also im using windows 10... Acording to the task manager, the disk usage is capping out, CPU usage is at ~80 percent, Memory as at a stable 40 percent.
Disk usage? That's just weird... You might want to post the DxDiag.txt and PA logs. (See the pa wiki I linked to earlier on how to get those)
Guys, bradkill is playing on 16 planet systems. His issues are that his computer can't handle 16 planets because it's not a supercomputer.
my success at popuralizing mods and how to get them : thank you scathis for moving my thread and all mods for not pinning it.
Not always - I was just in a battle with 8 planets and 4 asteroids... It still lagged like crazy - And it wasnt even PA that was using up my computer - Acording to the task maneger, But rather "System and compressed memory"
System and compressed memory is a new Win10 feature. It make "more" RAM by compressing it. Of course that comes at a speed cost. Hence the lagging. I'm wondering though. Can you post the system you are playing on? You can export it to a .pas file in the system designer. If you zip that, you can post it here using the Upload a File button on this forum. Also, how much RAM do you actually have? 8GB?