4 planets 7 AIs LOW speed this is normal?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by romeosov, March 29, 2016.

  1. romeosov

    romeosov Member

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    Hi, i start a skrimish with 7 AIs and 4 planets, the game go to the 50 minutes but is very very slow, i have 30-40 fps but is very slow, the sim speed is 43% to 50%

    procesor: Intel® Core™ i7-4720HQ Processor (2.60GHz 1600MHz 6MB
    RAM: 12 GB RAM Memory
    GPU: GTX 860M

    i am usign a USB 3.0 how ram and one MicroSD ultra sandick how ram

    Attached Files:

  2. Mirolog

    Mirolog Well-Known Member

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    A ton of units kill simspeed. Are you using a local server?
  3. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    With 7 AI, and 50 mins of game play on four planets it is not surprising it is slowing down.

    They thing is this game has not unit cap, so the simulation will start to slow down as there are more units built.
    This mean as pc hardware improves the game with scale nicely.

    But the down side it you need to be realistic at what type of game you play in terms of size and number of planets and design the system with game ending option like metal planets and planet smashing.
  4. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    Things that can help to speed up the sim again,

    Kill one of the players.
    Destroy a planet.
    Delete some of you unwanted units. Such as dox.
    Stop units that are patrolling.
    Nuke a large clump of enemy units.

    Fight more kill off both your units and the AI'd units.
  5. romeosov

    romeosov Member

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    i do one experiments with the USB 3.0 and the MicroSD using Exfat with readyboost and i increase the sim speed to 63%
  6. ZakTheEvil

    ZakTheEvil Member

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    With 4 AIs and 4+ planets my framerate drops to 10fps towards the end of the game and I have 6700k, 32GB and GTX980Ti. But yeah, I sometimes have 300+ units on the screen. Even killing off the enemies and destroying planets doesn't help much. The last AI usually has a very big army across the system and lots of things are happening. Anything that is moving kills the fps so yeah, I have to stop patrolling units. I also noticed that orbital units kill fps. Turning off antialiasing gave me the biggest boost and I can't hardly see a difference with AA off.

    I was hoping for really enormous battles across large systems, not going to happen at this time.
  7. ZakTheEvil

    ZakTheEvil Member

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    So I'm pretty sure this is CPU limitation. I monitored my resources usage and when the massive simulation slowdown occurs, my CPU is maxed out non-stop. It's still under 10GB of RAM and graphics tweaks beyond AA do not make any noticeable difference. I have a GTX1080 now. The problem is not low framerate but low simulation speed. Looks like this game would benefit from the new Intel 10-core processor:)
  8. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    Although the game uses multiple threads, the simulation uses only one, so a faster clock speed will help.
    FSN1977 likes this.

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