I have been a loyal fan of this game sense it first began on the 360, and I will keep playing this game. However I felt that we have been mainly forgotten about after the spunky cola dlc. I have read the other forums and seen that long ago you hoped to make it so both game would be updated and added to over time pc and 360, i would like to know if this is still going to happen or at least get new dlc. The reason i mada new thread is because the other threads have been stagnet for so long that i would hope that this would be easier to see. I hope for an official response but if not discuss.
i have, however they never give exact date other than the same post that is always shown. we may have gotten more info but nothing pertaining to anytime soonfor the xbox especially sense they are working on an entirly new game for the arcade. and i am not here to get that kind of comment. thx
Uber is working a new Arcade title? Did I miss something or did you actually believe the April Fools joke about Smash MNC?
Wow monday night combat game has been out forever and still no content!I have been wondering and wondering how they could still be this behing seriously with the content for the 360.It actualy makes me wonder what the heck they are actualy doing.This games has so so much potential.It should have all ready been like crazy updates and more dlc like more equipment for the classes to choose from turrets bots maps and much much more.Its like some game syudios forget that they started the era of downloadable content.I meant think about it.We get uncomplete games for full price...just for us to have to pay for more stuff that should have been in the game from the begining.So dont think im compaining about paying for content because im not.I would pay for any content if thats what I gotta do i mean jeez why so slow with it.Ill give you a good example section 8 prejudice great game for what u get for the price tghey did a great job and are doing well so what going on uber for real.Its time they get it cracking in that damn studio.See if it was me I would be slapping people around and body slamming a couple ddt's here an there b/c if u got something hot on ya hands promote it sell it have it ready for the masses period.How much money are these companies making now?
how many fake double, triple, quadruple accounts do people on this forum have? dreamdigitalk, if you are not a current member's troll account, I'm kind of sorry but not really since there's a "DLC" sticky at the top.
Oh God yes they are. Thank you Uber! My fave now is definitely Dr. Trigger Arena! Worth the 800msp. I am not helping, am i?