The first one has been around, but the other two are new with the patch. Issue 1: Lobby screen selects text in chat box when countdown begins. Rep steps: In lobby screen between games before countdown begins, type "asdf" in chat text field. Notice that text is not selected. Wait. When countdown begins, text becomes selected. Problematic because if this occurs in the middle of long-winded typing, selected portion of wind is deleted when next key is struck. Issue 2: In Find Game screen, column headers overlap and become garbled. Rep steps: Set resolution to 1024x768. Go to Find Game screen. Note that "MAX" and "PASSWORD" column headers are an unholy jumble of scrawl. Issue 3: In Find Game screen, inability to select full servers prevents Add to Favorites. Rep steps: Go to Find Game screen. Try to add a full server to favorites. You cannot because game now prevents user from selecting full servers. This is As Designed to prevent users from attempting to join full servers, but consider alternate solution of allowing selection of full server but disabling JOIN button, and adding an if check to the double-click handler.
Also when a server is full, you can't view the custom settings to see if it's somewhere you'd like to play